АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯзЫК Globalization is the buzz word of our time. In the last two decades, the amount of money and goods moving between the countries has been rising steadily. At the same time, trade barriers across the world have been lowered.
It is becoming clear now that power in the world shifted from individual governments to the markets. In theory, governments are free to the set their own economic policies, in practice they must conform to a global economic model. The crises of ¢tigers¢ in the Far east some years ago showed that financial marketscontrolnational economies.
The trend towards globalization in the early 70s, when the system of fixed exchange rates, set up after World War II, stopped functioning. This mint that the value of currencieswould now be determined by the markets instead of individual governments. By 1990, nearly all worlds¢ major economies had got rid of restrictions on how much money could be moved in and out of their countries.
Other factors contributing to the rise of globalization are new communications technologies, and better transportation systems. These let companies grow into multinationals goods on one side of the planet and selling them on the other.
But adjusting to this new ”economic order” is rather difficult. In the developed world, and in particular the European Union, globalization is facing widespread resistance. Critics complain that, without the protection of trade barriers, workers in poor countries are low-paid and exploited, and wages of workers in rich countries are foiling, especially in labour – intensive industries.
But how close are we to a truly global economy? For the losers,probably too close. But in terms of real economic integration, there is a long way to do. A global economy would mean complete freedom of movement of goods and services, capital and labour. Yet, even ignoring the tariffs and other restriction still in place, cross border trade is very small compared to the volume of goods and services traded within countries. Foreign investment is also extremely small, a little more then five per cent of the developed world¢s domestic investments. But what is really holding globalization back is the lack of labour mobility. Labour markets remain mostly national, even in the European Union, where people can and work in any country of the European Union.
Write questions to these answers
1. ?
It is globalization.
2. ?
Yes, the amount of money and moving and goods moving between the countries has been rising steadily.
3. ?
Yes, trade barriers across the world have been lowered.
4. ?
It has shifted from individual governments to the markets.
5. ?
Yes, governments are free to set their own economic policies.
6. ?
It showed that financial markets control national economies.
7. ?
It began in the early 70s, when the system of fixed exchange rates, set up after World War II, stopped functioning.
8. ?
This meant that the value of currencies would now be determined by the markets instead of individual governments.
9. ?
By 1990.
has more than one HUNDRED
years. The horse has long been
occupies a special position
in the human soul. It
noble animal
helps, delights and even
treat people. Not
it is surprising that such
special relationship
between horse and man
begin to emerge even With
childhood and help in this
children's toy.
As it often happens, little men
they are trained during the game. So ,
one of the original applications
of rocking horses in the middle Ages
was associated with horseback riding lessons.
This toy not only entertains, but also teaches
balance, so necessary for riding
drive's. indeed, after all In
The middle ages the horse was a huge
the value of human life.
Middle ages-the era of knights,
beautiful ladies and war horses. And hard
to imagine without riders.
Meanwhile, the history of rocking horses
it began much earlier in the fifth century
in Greece. BY XVI THE XVI! for centuries horses-
rocking found the usual appearance.
However, wide spread
rocking horses received only thanks
English nobles only in the 19th century. In
that time it was for the most part
toy future kings or nobles
noble themselves rocking-horses
were made by masters of carving! on
tree and richly decorated.
The rich history of toys can not
to abound with myths and legends. More
all of them gathered together in his story
(wooden horseshoe Spanish writer
Fernando X. Mm. Dominguez Gonzalez.
So, it is believed that Genghis Khan,
before becoming the conqueror of many
peoples, which feared in the most
remote, known at that time, corners
land, honed its character and its
imagination on the rump of one of the
wooden horse. In the legend
it is said that he never left
its a wooden horse, and even in the most
far cold steppes, she held
a place of honor in his tent.
another famous commander in childhood
could not imagine his existence without this
legendary toy. As legend has it,
Alexander the great, when he was
a child couldn't sleep, not galloping
a few hours on his wooden
Few people know that one of the legendary
historical Spanish heroes Rodrigo
Diaz de Vivar, known under the name of *Led
- Conqueror, got acquainted with his
the future wife of Jimeno when they were
children. It happened during a visit to
the castle of one of their common relatives.
Both stubborn, with character, began to fight
for the right, who the first will climb on
beautiful wooden horse, which