a) Example: We carry out many experiments in our laboratory.
Many experiments are carried out by us in our laboratory.
1. The secretary sent all the mail off an hour ago. 2. The doctor examined the patient and wrote out a prescription. 3. The students take written exams at the end of the term. 4. Columbus discovered America in 1492. 5. We often change our plans. 6. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays.
b) Example: He was given an interesting problem to solve. (the teacher)
The teacher gave him an interesting problem to solve.
1. The students were warmly thanked for the help (The Dean). 2. He was offered many books on the subject of his report. (a librarian) 3. The children were sent to the sea for summer. (the parents) 4. The questions were asked at the police station. (a police officer) 5. The experiment is discussed every day. (the scientist) 6. The delegates were interviewed near the hotel. (the newspaper reporters)
Плавание-это на первый взгляд один из самых лёгких видов спорта, но нет. В плавание нужно правильно грести руками и ногами. Особенно сложно когда ты участвуешь в соревнованиях. Нужно не только правильно плыть, но и постараться всех опередить и занять первое место. Если не получится в первый или в любой другой раз , расстраивается нечего, в следующий раз обязательно получиться. Плавание- вид спорта или спортивная дисциплина, заключающаяся в преодолении вплавь за наименьшее время различных дистанций. При этом в подводном положении по действующим ныне правилам разрешается проплыть не более 15 м после старта или поворота (в плавании брассом подобное ограничение сформулировано по-другому);скоростные виды подводного плавания относятся не к плаванию, а к подводному виду.
Swimming is a seemingly one of the easiest sports, but no. In swimming you need to properly paddle hands and feet to help. It is especially difficult when you participate in competitions. Need not only the right to swim, but also to try to get ahead of everyone and take first place. If you fail the first or at any other time, there is nothing to get upset, the next time you need to turn out. Plavanie- sport or sports discipline, is to overcome the swim in the shortest time for different distances. While submerged under current rules now allowed to swim no more than 15 meters after the start or turn (in the breaststroke this restriction is formulated in a different way), high-speed types of diving are not to swim, and to an underwater view.