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Summerhill School
man called A.
Stupened this school in 1991. Neill knew
well what kinds or moblems many children lave attoo and he
believed he could help them feel free. So each child the man
choose what he wants in life. The children a Summerhill det
themselves if they want to have lessons or u. It is strange, bt.
most of them do. They often come from schools at which they
were unhappy and didn't want to do any work at all. But at Sum
merhill they usually decide that to have classes is more interest
ing than not to have them
Like in most other schools, the children study different subiecta.
At the beginning of a term each student gets a timetable, on
which they write the lessons they want to have.
Another unusual thing about Suramerhill is the meetings. There
teachers and students discuss the school rules two times a week.
If a teacher wants to tell everyone about a student's bad hehar
tour, he can do it at the meeting. A student can also say what he
dislikes about a teacher. At the meetings children can listen,
think and make decisions about their own lives
And you? Can you make decisions yourself? Would you like
study at Summerhilly
1. Summerhill school is about one hundred years old.
a) True b) False
2. A.S. Neill was a famous teacher.
b) False c) Not stated
3. Most children at Summerhill den't want to have starter
a) True b) False c) Not stated
4. At the end of the school vetr children decide to less they
want to have.
a) True
ol Not stated
5. Teachers and students soeak about the sean rules and te
school life at the meetings.
a) True b) False c) Not stated
6. Children at Summerhill take a lot of trips,
a) True b) False c) Not stated
What will you do it your teacher says that you can have a lesson
or go home? In fact, u Summerhill School teachers really do it.
Summerhill is the oldest children's democracy in the world. It is
maybe the most famous free school.
This school in Suffolk (the United Kingdom) is a very special
place. Trees and grass, meadows and playing fields give children
a good chance to play games, to do sports. Children don't wear
uniform there, they can play as much as they want. They also do
a lot of project work.
В правой клеточее примену масалмый а нысаtе
почти каждый день я ем здоровую пищу.
каждый день я ем по несколько здоровых продуктов таких как : овощи или фрукты,но есть те продукт,которую я не люблю.фастфуд Я ем нечасто,несколько раз в год,Потому что считаю то что это очень вредная пища.Я,конечно же,предпочитаю здоровую домашнюю пищу.Я избегаю есть бутерброды или любую сухомятку.Также,конфеты или шоколад. Я люблю почти все фрукты и овощи только вот брокколи, он немного противен мне.моя любимая еда это конечно же какие-нибудь супы или здоровый здоровая еда.
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