.Впишите производные от слов, данных в правой колонке, в предложения. 1. Children should not eat unhealthy food. HEALTHY
2. Do you like the Italian football team? ITALY
3. Arnold can't play any musical instrument. MUSIC
4. What a beautiful ring! I like very much. I think I'll buy it. BEAUTY
5. I ask you to drive more slowly, be careful, please. SLOW
6. Little Matilda was fond of books. She was a great reader. READ
7. Mrs. Harrison didn't like rainy autumn days. RAIN
8. Is your transmission of the text ready, Sally? TRANSLATE
2)He is a student his name is Peter
He has a friend her name is Ann
3)The parks of the town
me friends of tape recorder
the dog of the tail
4)Ann’s schoolbag (следующие два словосочетания правильно записала?посмотри,по-моему ты что-то перепутала)
5)I am a pupil
I am at school
The classrooms are cozy
I have many friends
They are good students
6) Is he a driver
He is not a driver?
We are not doctors
Are we doctors?
7)these fuels
this range
this message
8)The box is on the floor
Take the book on the floor
Put it in the bag
Go on home