Соедините предложения, используя относительные местоимения. 1.Не is the man. He lives next door.
2. This is the picture. You presented to me last month.
3. These are the gloves. I found them on the train.
4. I met two actors. We watched them on TV show last night.
5. This is the house. My father built it many years ago.
6. The person got a reward. He took the lost wallet to the police station.
7. Where is the letter? I put it in the table.
8. This is the picture. I took it on holidays.
1-от кого (отправитель (ФИО либо название фирмы) с адресом) HERMES LTD.
2-дата письма
January, 28 1996
Dear sir:
5-благодарность за письмо (если есть)
5-текст письма(если нет благодарности как отдельной строки)
As I write this letter, I`m reminded of an old Norwegian proverb which says: "On the path between the homes of friends… grass doesn`t grow!" In a manner of speaking, the grass seems to have grown somewhat lush between your doorstep and our place of business during the past year. Frankly, I am little disturbed because you have not used your charge account for so long a time. I am disturbed because your absence from our shore may indicate some dissatisfaction. Perhaps we unwillingly have done something to displease you. If so, won't you write to me so that may make amends?
6-заключительное слово(фраза)
7-подпись(имя отправителя)