1) Her husband is as old as yours.-Ее мужу столько же лет как и твоему. 2) His daughter is as young as mine.-Ее дочь такая же молодая, как и моя. 3) Are there not so many places of interest in Moscow as there are in Leningrad?-В Москве не так много интересных мест как в Ленинграде? 4)This building is not so high as our Institute.-Это здание не высокое по сравнению с нашим институтом. 5)“Is Lesson Sixteen as simple as Lesson Fifteen?” “No, Lesson Fifteen is not so simple as Lesson Sixteen, it’s more difficult.’-Шестнадцатый урок такой же легкий как и пятнадцатый?-Нет, урок пятнадцать не так прост как урок шестнадцать. Он более сложный. 6)Have you got so many friends in Kiev as you have in Moscow? 7)This year you don’t work at your English so much as you did last year, do you? 8)Literature is not so interesting to me as History. 9)Is your son doing as well this year as he did last year?
The Film, which tells the story of the struggle with the king^s serious illnes and as a result many attempts crushing victory over him. The story is based on a true story of a father of the current Queen Elizabeth. 6 Georg became a symbol of resistance to British 2nd World War. This is a story overcoming stuttering, which wrom an early age was the cause of his agony and complexes, low self-esteem. Many, seeing the problem, convince themselves that it is unsolvable, that attempts to remove it - a waste of time and effort. And this problem can haut a person for life.This is a film about love. After all, love and caring wife helped get rid of the disease. Wonderful film about freindship, courage, bravery, family. The films is pleasant and interesting to watch.
Mum, Molly and Toby are sitting on the mat
Мама, Молли и Тобби сидят на подстилке
Dad is reading a magazine.
ПАПА читает журнал
Toby is Eating a sandwich
Тоби ест сэндвич
Charlie and Harry are swimming
Чарли и Гарри плавают