Again and, for questions 1-4, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
What is the writer doing in the
A describing space exploration
B telling us why we go into space
C encouraging us to become
2 What does the writer say in
paragraph B?
A Mars is too far away.
B It is easier to explore Mars
than other planets.
C Mars is similar to Jupiter.
3 What does the writer suggest in
paragraph C?
A Only robots can survive on Mars.
B Lots of countries are interested in
C Scientists are already on Mars.
4 Why does the writer say "It won't be
easy" in paragraph D?
A Astronauts do not want to go to
B Only one astronaut can go to Mars.
C The mission will take a long time.
"кул" - [ ku:l ] cool - прохладный "ю" - [ ju: ] you - ты/вы
"суп" - [ su:p ] soup - суп "вью" - [ vju: ] view - вид
"гус" - [ gu:s ] goose - гусь
"сью" - [ sju: ] sue - подавать в суд
"мус" - [ mu:s ] moose - лось "пью" - [ pju: ] pew - церковная скамья
"бум" - [ bu:m ] boom - шумиха "бьюти" - [ bju:ti ] beauty - красота
"стул" - [ stu:l ] stool - табурет
звуки [ u: ], [ ju: ]
[ pu:l ] pool - бассейн [ pju:pl ] pupil - ученик
[ su:n ] soon - скоро [ bju:tiful ] beautiful - красивый
[ klu:] ] clue - ключ к разгадке [ stju:dnt ] student - студент
[ spu:n ] spoon - ложка [ institju:t ] institute - институт
[ sku:l ] school - школа [ ju:z ] use - использовать