1. Harris did not want his wife to jump off the bike. 2. Where do you order your dresses to be sewn? 3. His mother made him wear a coat. 4. The mother watched the child walk in the room. 5. Did you see anyone come into the classroom? 6. He had his hair cut yesterday. 7. He wants letters (to be) brought into his room. 8. We know them to be are very busy. 9. I want being photographed. 10. I know him to be a great theater-goer. 11. I hope you to write me a letter. 12. He heard someone entering the room. 13. I do not like the child (to) play with a/the dog. 14. I can not stand books being when torn.
Самостоятельный термин капитал в современном бухгалтерском учёте не используется, но есть ряд близких показателей финансового анализа. Например, собственный капитал — это разница между стоимостью активов компании и суммой её обязательств. Обычно эта величина формируется за счёт уставного капитала (взноса владельцев компании), добавочного капитала (переоценка имущества, эмиссионный доход), нераспределённой прибыли и резервов (формирующихся из прибыли).Стоимость, являющаяся средством получения прибавочной стоимости путём эксплуатации наёмного труда.
2. Where do you order your dresses to be sewn?
3. His mother made him wear a coat.
4. The mother watched the child walk in the room.
5. Did you see anyone come into the classroom?
6. He had his hair cut yesterday.
7. He wants letters (to be) brought into his room.
8. We know them to be are very busy.
9. I want being photographed.
10. I know him to be a great theater-goer.
11. I hope you to write me a letter.
12. He heard someone entering the room.
13. I do not like the child (to) play with a/the dog.
14. I can not stand books being when torn.