1 Niagara Falls is between 2 Sharyn Canyon is 200 km from 3 The Atlantic Ocean is the ocean in the world. 4 Machu Picchu is an in Peru 5 Lake is in Kazakhstan 6 There are many types of in the Sharyn Canyon. 7 Monsoons form in the
1. Samuel Clemens was born in Missouri. 2. Mark Twain's great-great parents were pirates and slave traders. 3. Mark Twain wanted to be a pirate just like his great-great parents. 4. Both streets and lanes were paved with the same material - black mud in wet times, deep dust in dry. 5. His uncle was a farmer. He was a middle-aged man whose head was clear and whose heart was honest and simple. 6. His uncle owned about fourteen slaves. 7. The author considered slavery as horror. 8. No, he was a sicky child and lived mainly on medicine the first seven years if his life. 9. He started writing at the age of 22 working as a reporter on a newspaper in San-Francisco.
Школьная форма. в большинстве британских школ ученики носят школьную форму. девочки обычно одевают белую блузку с темной юбкой и свитером. цвета свитера могут быть: серым, коричневым, синим или зеленым. Мальчики часто носят школьные кепки, девочки их тоже иногда одевают на голову. Обувь обычно черная или коричневая. Детям 10-11 лет не всегда нравится их школьная форма, особенно головные уборы и обувь. Иногда они одевают форму не правильно. Школы часто делают им предупреждения на первый раз. Но в следующий раз они наказываются, если одеваются неправильно.
2. Mark Twain's great-great parents were pirates and slave traders.
3. Mark Twain wanted to be a pirate just like his great-great parents.
4. Both streets and lanes were paved with the same material - black mud in wet times, deep dust in dry.
5. His uncle was a farmer. He was a middle-aged man whose head was clear and whose heart was honest and simple.
6. His uncle owned about fourteen slaves.
7. The author considered slavery as horror.
8. No, he was a sicky child and lived mainly on medicine the first seven years if his life.
9. He started writing at the age of 22 working as a reporter on a newspaper in San-Francisco.