1 Milan is in the north-west of Italy. of Italy. 2 Rome is in the of italy 3 Palermo is in the ...of Italy. 4 Venice is in the... of italt. 5 The Dolomites are in the... of italy 6 Siena is of Florence . 7 Bologna is of Florence.
Pets demand for themselves leaving. With many of them it is necessary to go for a walk several times a day. These are such animals as: Dogs. Behind everything leaving as it is known is necessary: 1) It is necessary to feed an animal 2) To wash it and to clean after it. 3) To play with it. Many consider that it is easy to get a pet, but those at whom it have understand that it is laborious work. Therefore on the one hand animals it is good, and with another it is bad. Because very big responsibility.
Мое любимое растение-роза. Я каждое лето езжу к бабушке на дачу. Бабушкин сад наполнен цветами. Есть ромашки, Васельки. Но особенно мне нравятся розы. Люблю гулять по саду и нюхать розы. Розы красивые цветы. Тонкий стебель, ажурные листья и крупные алые бутоны.
My favorite plant is rose. I go every summer to the grandmother to the cottage. Grandma's garden is filled with flowers. There are daisies, Vasilki. But especially I like roses. I like to walk in the garden and smell the roses. Roses are beautiful flowers. The stem is thin, delicate leaves and large scarlet flowers.
Pets demand for themselves leaving. With many of them it is necessary to go for a walk several times a day. These are such animals as: Dogs. Behind everything leaving as it is known is necessary:
1) It is necessary to feed an animal
2) To wash it and to clean after it.
3) To play with it.
Many consider that it is easy to get a pet, but those at whom it have understand that it is laborious work. Therefore on the one hand animals it is good, and with another it is bad. Because very big responsibility.