I am a student of the eleventh grade. - лучше сказать так, хотя и Ваш вариант вполне подходит.
Julia is twenty-eight years old, she works as a teacher of Russian and literature.
Irina is twelve-five (Может быть Вы хотели сказть 25? Тогда можно написать так - Irina is twenty-five), she a doctor. На этом точка, by profession будет лишним.
Лучше использовать в самом начале ''my", иначе не совсем понятно, Ваша мама или племянников. My mother's name is Lyudmila.
Следующий фрагмент я бы так переписала.
My dad is Vladimir, he is a member of the Security Department. I forgot to mention one more member of our family. This is our favorite cat Eve.
In the summer I like to make pictures of nature, it is so beautiful. (Обычно глагол photograph относится к людям, да и то его очень редко используют в данном контексте истинные англичане или американцы).
I have almost thirty of them.
In 3 weeks I will finish my school... I want to be an economist in the industry of taxes (или in the tax industry) and taxation.
А про семью совсем не в тему в самом конце, лучше это вставить перед предложением о кошке. Перед этим:
I forgot to mention one more member of our family. This is our favorite cat Eve.
My grandparents are still very young. (Лучше всего закончит предложение и начать новое, иначе слишком громоздко звучит и выглядит) My grandmother is seventy three and my grandfather is eighty four. Grandma likes to work on the farm, and they spend all their time growing tomatoes, potatoes, onions, strawberries, raspberries.
A grandfather always something to master, he carpenter by profession. Данное предложение не совсем поняла, если интересует грамотный перевод, напишите мне в сообщения, переведу.
In our time, just need to be a successful person. To achieve recognition and to be successful in anything, you must have set some personal qualities, such as enterprise, savvy, communication skills, resourcefulness, luck. You should be able to find a common language with people and calculate the situation ten steps ahead.To become a successful person must first of all to aspire to. The more you invest in your future now, the more fruit it will bring to you later. The most important thing will never deviate from their goals, always carry out his plan, and always be ahead of the rest. This is the key to the success of any individual.