ИСПРАВЛЕНО И ДОПОЛНЕНО: 1 I was afraid that I WOULD get lost in the forest. 2. She knew that we HAD never seen her pictures 3. THE Scientist was SURE that he WOULD find THE solution TO THE problem. 4. I new that you HAD COME to Saint-Petersburg and BELIEVED YOU WOULD VISIT ME. 5. WE DIDN'T EXPECT THAT HE WOULD GET SO ANGRY. 6. YESTERDAY WE LEARNT THAT SHE WAS ILL. 7. HE THOUGHT SHE WON'T COME TO SCHOOL. 8. I KNEW MY SISTER WAS LEARNING FRENCH AND SUPPOSED SHE WOULD GO TO PARIS. 9. I WAS TOLD YOU HAD CALLED ME. 10. Я думал, что ты в Москве. I THOUGHT YOU WERE IN MOSCOW.
1. I advised her not to eat too much. 2. His wife asked her husband to write her as soon as he could. 3. Mother told me not to forget my sandwiches. 4. She asked the children not to go near the water. 5. He told us to be careful crossing roads and remember that they drive on the left in England. 6. I begged to make the coffee a bit stronger. 7. She told him not to take off his coat because they were going out again. 8. SHe told me not to come in without knocking. 9. He told me my ticket might cost five pounds. 10. The notice read that dogs had to be kept on a lead.
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