Вy Put the verbs in brackets into the future continuous or the future perfect. 1. By 7o'clock, Jonathan___(соok) dinner for the kids.
2. This time tomomow I ___(make) a dress in my fashion class.
3. Rosy can't go to the cinema this afternoon because she___(clean) the house.
4. I___(watch) the tennis toumament all day tomorrow.
5. By the end of next summer, Carl's parents___(build) the extension to their house.
6. By 2025, the government___(оpen) a hundred new schools.
7. The government___(орen) hundred new schools in the next five years.
8. Oh, great! And I___(do) the washing up for the whole flat this week, OК?
9. Yes, I ___(sit) my driving test this time tomorrow!
10. Jack___(attend) the partу?
11. The minister___(give) a speech at the conference.
12. Don't worry, I___(do) all the washing up by the time you're back from work.
13. Вy the time this journey's over I ___ (take) Hundreds of photos.
2. The situation in low-income countries has improved since 1965.
3. The problem of maximum rates is to reduce the price for consumers, and task minimal rates is to raise the price for producers and suppliers.
4. The increase in supply leads to an increase in equilibrium quantity and a decrease in equilibrium price.
5. When rates will be reduced to the equilibrium price, there will be surplus goods.
6. If the price of a commodity falls, and prices of other goods required by the customer, remain the same, then the consumer will buy cheaper products instead of expensive goods.