Вербицкая: 9 класс 15. Complete the definitions with the adjectives from the Word List.
1) competitive: a person who wants to be more successful than other people 2) : a country where the people vote for the government they want. 3) : related to the way a country makes money from industry, business etc. 4) : important in history 5) : calm and quiet
*16. Complete the sentences with the words from the Word List.
1) It will change their country's economy if they have the euro. 2) At the end of World War I, European leaders the Treaty of Versailles. 3) For a long time, Crimea was a part of the Russian Empire and after the October Revolution in 1917 it became a region of the Soviet Russia. In 1954, it became a part of the Ukranian Soviet Socialist within the Soviet Union. 4) In 2014 the people of Crimea held a and made the decision to join the Russian Federation. . 5) Like Britain, The Netherlands is a constitutional 6) The government made some good decisions, so there was more money for health and education. 7) You don't have to become a the party to vote.
2.Just after the Christmas two years ago, Jack and Liza decided to go away for New Year. They didn’t want to stay in a hotel with crowds of people and they were delighted when they saw an advertisement in the Sunday Times for a holiday flat in a village near Oxford. It was no ordinary flat. It was on the top floor of an old Tudor mansion. They booked it and on New Year’s Eve they set off in the car. It was raining and freezing cold. They were happy and excited. They had been driving for three hours when they saw the house in the distance. It looked magnificent with tall chimneys and a long, wide drive. They drove up to the huge front door, went up the steps, and knocked. Nothing happened. They knocked again. The door opened and a small, wild-looking old lady stood there. She was so thin and bent, she had long, straggly grey hair, and dirty old torn clothes. She asked them to come in and they followed her. The house was so old and dark and dirty. There were cats everywhere. In the rooms all the furniture was broken and there were no curtains. There was no heating and there was only one power point. So you could either have the television, or the lamp, but you couldn’t have more than one. So what did they do? They just ran! When they got outside again the rain had turned to snow. They ran to the car hysterically laughing. They drove to the next village and as midnight was striking, they found a hotel with a room for the night. “Happy New Year!” cried Jack, as he kissed the surprised receptionist on both cheeks. “You have no idea how beautiful your hotel is!”
Вербицкая: 9 класс
15. Дополните определения прилагательными.
из списка слов.
1) конкуренто человек, который хочет быть больше
успешнее, чем другие люди
2) : страна, где люди голосуют
для правительства они хотят.
3) : связано с тем, как страна делает
деньги от промышленности, бизнеса и т. д.
4) : важно в истории
5) : спокойно и тихо
* 16. Дополните предложения словами из списка слов.
1) Это изменит экономику их страны, если они
есть евро.
2) В конце Первой мировой войны европейские лидеры
Версальский договор.
3) Крым долгое время был частью
Российская Империя и после Октября
Революции 1917 г. стал регионом
Советская Россия. В 1954 году он вошел в состав
Украинский советский социалист
внутри Советского Союза.
4) В 2014 году крымчане провели
и принял решение присоединиться
Россия Федерация. .
5) Как и Великобритания, Нидерланды
6) Правительство принесло пользу
решений, чтобы было больше денег на здоровье
и образование.
7) Вам не обязательно становиться
партия голосовать.