1) had bought
2) was standing
3) was
4) feel4
5) said
6) have been living
7) get
8) think
9) can
10) liked
11) sat
12) looking
13) were
14) was watching
15) burning
16) was thinking
17) would be able to
18) sit
19) had been
20) arrived
21) brought
22) was
23) hoped
24) would read
25) went
26) were
27) was addressed
28) wanted
29) to give
30) said
31) had been written
32) might
33) call
34) asked
35) to keep
36) promised
37) to return
38) said
39) would take
40) asked
41) left
42) disappeared
43) decided
44) had hidden
45) had not touched
46) has taken
47) will tell
48) comes
49) means
50) worried
(Выдумала, но проверять это не будут)
Я живу в однокомнотной квартире на 8 этаже в многоэтажном доме. Сплю я на двухъярусной кровати - на первом ярусе сплю я, а на втором моя сестра. Около моей кровати стоят шкаф для одежды и письменный стол. Хоть моя квартира и маленькая, но в ней очень уютно жить. В моём доме есть балконы, а один из них - наш. Летом я выхожу туда подышать свежим воздухом.
I live in a single-room apartment on the 8th floor in a high-rise building. I sleep in a bunk bed - I sleep on the first tier, and my sister on the second. Near my bed are a wardrobe and a desk. Although my apartment is small, but it is very comfortable to live in it. My house has balconies, and one of them is ours. In the summer I go out there to get some fresh air.
То be - was, were - been;
to have - had - had;
to mean - meant - meant;
to learn - learned/learnt - learned/learnt;
to become-became-become;
to bring-brought-brought;
to know-knew-known;
to think-thought-thought;
to buy-bought-bought;
to pay-paid-paid;
to take-took-taken;
to do-did-done;
to begin-began-begun;
to give-gave-given;
to make-made-made;
to keep-kept-kept;
to get-got-got;
to read-read-read;
to show-showed-shown, showed.
1. Many people had an opportunity to use computers.
2. There was no doubt that computers solved problems very quickly.
3. Instructions directed the operation of a computer.
4. Computers brought with them both economic and social changes.
5. Computing embraced not only arithmetics, but also computer literacy.
6. It was well known that computers prepared laboratory tests.
7. Those persons were computer literate and thought of buying a new
8. They received a subscription magazine once a month.
9. My mother was ill and visited her doctor every other day.
10. Experts knew much about how to prepare programs.
The Bedes liked the house which they had bought 1 three weeks before. It was standing2 on the hill and was3 in perfect condition."Now I feel4 quite happy," Gwen said5. "We have been living6 in the house for 3 weeks and I get7 more and more proud of it. I think8 I can9 live in the house all my future life." James liked10 their new house very much too. He often sat11 in the old armchair looking12 into the fire. These were13 the happiest minutes in his life. He was watching14 the logs burning15 in the fire and was thinking16 he would be able to17 sit18 like that for a long time.
The Bedes had been19 in the house for twenty-two days when their first post arrived20. The postman brought21 three large envelopes. There was22 a letter from Gwen's sister. Gwen hoped23 she would read24 it after the postman went25 away, there were26 business papers for James in the second envelope, the third envelope was addressed27 to "Mrs Alison Ray". Gwen wanted28 to give29 that letter to the postman, but the latter said30 that as the address had been written31 correctly somebody might32 call33 on them later. He asked34 the Bedes to keep35 the letter for some days. He promised36 to return37 at the end of the week and said38 he would take39 the letter to the post-office if nobody asked40 for it.Gwen left41 the letter on the hall table but the following morning it disappeared42. Gwen decided43 that James had hidden44 it and asked if he had not touched45 the letter. "Who has taken46 the letter then? What will we tell47 the postman when he comes48? What all this means49?" worried50 Gwen.