One rainy night last spring,
Paul and his sister Karen
1) were driving
(drive) home
from a concert when their car 2)broke down.
(break down)
They 3).decided
(decide) to go for help. They had been walking
(walk) for about an hour when they
(arrive) at a large spooky house with lights on
near the road. They 6) rushed
(rush) to the front
door and 7).rang
(ring) the doorbell. An old
woman 8) answered
(answer). She 9).was wearing
(wear) a long grey dress and she 10) was smiling
She 11)looked
(look) at Paul and Karen and
(point) to the food on the dining room table.
Paul and Karen 13)had not eaten
(not/eat) anything
since lunch, so they 14) felt/were feeling
(feel) very hungry.They turned
(turn) to thank the lady but she
16) had disappeared /disappeared
(disappear). Suddenly, the lights
17)went out
(go) out and Paul and Karen
(hear) a loud scream. Terrified,
they 19) ran
(run) quickly out of the house.
Afterwards, they 20) found
(find) out that no one
21).had been living
(live) in that house for over 50 years!
1. In Uzbekistan the Parliament has 150 members in the Legislative Chamber, elected for a five-year terms and 100 members in the Senate. 84 members are elected at the sessions of district, regional and city deputies, and 16 members are appointed by the president.
In Great Britain the candidate who wins becomes the Member of Parliament in the House of Commons, even if he or she gets only one vote more than the candidate who is second. The electoral system in Britain usually makes two parties powerful, while smaller parties do not have many MPs.
2. In Uzbekistan as well as in Great Britain people over the age of 18 can vote in a general election.