нужна транскрипция (на руском языке ) для этого текста. Для прочтения текста Family education is a system of educational and educational processes governed by certain traditions and norms, implemented by the forces of all family members. The main purpose of family education is the formation of a moral, intellectually developed personality, prepared for life in modern society.
The family creates or destroys a person, at the mercy of the family to strengthen or undermine the mental health of its members. Encourages some personal attractions, while hindering others, satisfying or suppressing personal needs. It points out the boundaries of identification, promotes the appearance of the person's image of himself.
How relationships are built in the family, what values and interests are brought to the fore by its elders, depends on how children will grow up. The child is very sensitive to the behavior of adults and quickly learns the lessons learned during family education. After all, parents are the first caregivers who have the strongest influence on children. Therefore, it is almost impossible to re-educate a child from a troubled family. The child has learned certain rules, and society will pay for such gaps in education.
In healthy families, parents and children are connected by natural daily contacts. It is such close communication between them, which creates mental unity, coherence of basic life aspirations and actions. The natural basis of such relationships is kinship ties, feelings of motherhood, and fatherhood, which manifest themselves in parental love and caring affection of children and parents.
The role of the family in society is not comparable in strength, nor with any other social institutions, because it is in the family that the person's personality is formed and developed. The family acts as the first educational institution with which a person feels throughout his life.
It is in the family that the foundations of human morality are laid, norms of behavior are formed, the inner world of the child, and his individual qualities are revealed.
A person acquires value for society only when he becomes a person, and its formation requires a purposeful, systematic impact. It is the family with its constant and natural nature of influence that is called to form character traits, beliefs, views, the worldview of the child. Therefore, the allocation of the educational function of the family as the main has a public meaning.
(Перевод= Для начала я хочу закончить школу, поступить в университет и в будущем найти себе приличную работу, чтобы обеспечивать себя. Я надеюсь в возрасте сорока пяти лет у меня уже будет семья и дети. С которыми я смогу гулять в парке, ездить на отдых и просто радоваться жизни. А в старости я буду рада сидеть за семейным ужином всей семьёй и вспоминать радостные и грустные моменты из жизни, и знать что жизнь все таки удалась.)