ПОМАГИТЕ НУЖНО СДАТЬ ДО 21⁰⁰(ПО КЗ ВРЕМЕНИ) A)Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs or phrases in bold.
1. he / look for (an intention)
My brother hates his job.
He's going to look for a new one.
2. I / pay (an offer)
Don't worry about the drinks.
_ _ for them.
3. I / make (an offer)
_ _ some more coffee?
4. you / get married (a prediction)
Do you think _ _ before you're 30?
5. we / go (an arrangement)
_ _ on holiday tomorrow.
I can't wait!
6. I/ have (an instant decision)
A) Are you ready to order?
B) Yes, _ _ the steak.
7. I / be (a fact)
_ _ 21 on my next birthday.
8. we / invite (a suggestion)
_ _ your parents for a meal this weekend?
9. I/ not be (a promise)
I'm going to Jacky's house for dinner. I __ late home.
10. it/break (a prediction)
There's too much shopping in this bag.
I think _ _
Пипл вок хад. Зэй кам хоум лейт энд а бизи эт уикендс. Зэй хэв ноу тайм ту гоу ту э спортс клаб ор э спортс сэнтэ вич изнт квайт ниа зэйр хоумс. Зэй кен хадли ду спортс сириосли. Зэй джаст вонт ту рилакс.
Пипл оф олл эйджиз энд тайпс ду эксесайзэс эт хоум ту импрув зэйр хэлс энд ту кип фит. Ин зэ монин зэй свич он зэ ТиВи энд фоллоу фитнесс классиз эт хоум о гоу джоггин ин зэ пак ин зи ивнин.