Make the false ones true.
1. Every day we tell one thousand lies.
4. Lies make people happy.
2. The lies we tell everyday do not hurt anybody.
5. People want to know what kind of cabbage was
3. People choose to lie because white lies save our lives.
c) Match the following definitions with the underlined words from the text.
1. extremely unkind
5. causing damage
2. a feeling of being unhappy
6. needing attention very soon
3. a feeling of having done something wrong
7. to be important
4. almost not
8. whole with nothing missing
d) Read the text and answer the following questions.
1. According to the text, what truths do the following lies hide?
• It'll be ready in an hour.
• Fresh today
• Your cheque is in the post.
• I will call you
2. Does the text reflect the reality of the role of lies in our society? Bring arguments.
3. Do you agree with the author's opinion on lies? Bring arguments.
вот текст
Every day - in every area of our lives - we tell and hear a thousand lies. Not cruel lies. Not harinful lies. Not lies that matter. No, of course not. But great lies: It'll be ready in an hour. Your cheque is in the post. Fresh today. I will call you. Nothing like this has ever happened before. Of course, I love only you. We pretend with no effort and less guilt, that we don't lie through our teeth every minute of the day - and everyone else pretends that they don't either.
But lying saves time and worries. It makes every- body happier than they would be if they always told or had to listen to the truth. After all, you don't really want to hear that you'll be lucky if you ever see your gadget again. When you find out that you're not going
to get paid, at least for a few months, you feel stressed.
Why should you want to know that the last cabbage in the shop - needed urgently for the salad you're making for the dinner party - has been under the cash register with the cat fur for the last two weeks? You're hardly going to tell anyone that you are going to eat an entire family size bag of potato chips. Not likely. Moreover, if you want to sell your car, you are not going to tell the buyer that the door does not lock.
Think like this: life is a complicated, fragile and sensitive machine - not great, perhaps, but the only one we've got - and lies are the oil that keeps the whole thing from blowing into our faces.
для пункта "с" вот подчёркнутые слова:
2) We'll leave ...for St Petersburg next week and we'll stay there for five days.
3) I'm saying goodbye to Moscow and leaving --... the capital tonight.
4) ...After school I want to go university .
5) My friend works ...for a sports magazine.
6) My great-grandparents live ...on the farm.
7) Clark's uncle is interested sport.
8) We are dreaming ...about our visit Glasgow.
9) Did you spend much time ...-- doing the city?
10) Andrew is going to make a career medicine.
11) When we were Paris, we stayed a hotel.