(Present, Past, Future Simple, Present, Past, Future Continuous)
1. He usually works at the station, but next month he will work
at the docks for a few days each week.
2. John and Frank
wrote letters at 5 o’clock yesterday.
3. She was
cleaning her teeth when one of them
came out.
4. The maid polishes the silver once a week, on Fridays.
5. While he was picking the broken plates, he cut his finger.
6. Look! A big white bird is sitting
in our garden.
7. Tom played tennis with his best friend at 6 pm yesterday.
8. He always drives his car carefully.
9. Mary’s grandfather hurt his back while he was
digging in the garden yesterday.
10. When I was on holiday, I went
swimming every day.
Type a message...
Present perfect usage:
1. When we talk about life experience up to the present
2. When we talk about sth that happened in the past but result is important at the time of speaking
3. Recently completed action
Колонка:) Past participle(третья).
Task 2
Ann has washed her hair.
Tom has lost weight
It has run out petroleum
He has broken his leg
This is the first time he has driven a car
Have you ever eaten caviar?
Jill hasn’t written to me nearly for a month
Has it stopped raining yet?
Task 5
2 a
3 a
4 a
5 B
1.To take a deep breath and to hold it.
2. To open your mouth wide.
3. to poke your tongue out.
4. to turn over on to your left side.
5. to wash your hands.
6. to put on the glove.
7. to dip the suppository in hot water.
1. Держите голову неподвижно и следите глазами за моим пальцем.
2. Введите суппозиторий в прямую кишку; осторожно подталкивая его вверх.
3. Убедитесь, что у пациента есть моча.
4. Нажмите на звонок, если вам что-нибудь понадобится.
5. Храните это лекарство в недоступном для детей месте.
6. Пусть плечи расслабятся.
7. Отпустите его в палату.
8. Закашляйтесь в эту коробку.
принесите образец своего стула.
10. Дай им погаснуть.
11. Закройте глаза на минутку
12. Пойдем в кабинет.
13. Не забывайте принимать таблетки каждое утро первым делом.
14. Не позволяйте ребенку играть с полиэтиленовой сумкой.
15. Не снимайте повязки до следующего дня