1. The king asked the Queen if she was happy 2. The king asked a fairy if she was a good or a wicked one 3. The king asked how much bread had he baked that day 4. The king asked what he was doing there 5. The king asked if he had made clothes for any other kings 6. The king asked if I had won the war 7. The king asked if I would like to play chess (ты, скорее всего имел ввиду это слово в вопросе) with him 8. The king asked whether I can get more money 9. The king asked where was I from 10. The king asked whether I looked well after his roses
На этом фото я увидел девочку . Ей было лет 10 не больше . Она была одета в красивое летнее платье в цветочек. У неё были красивые розовые балетки . На голове у девочки была симпатичная розовая шляпка . На руке был браслет из красных бусин . Её волосы были каштанового цвета . Они были прямыми и распущены . На её лице была веснушки . У неё были светло голубые глаза . Она улыбалась солнышку которое светило ярко . Девочка шла по дороге . А около неё было много зданий .
In this photo, I saw a girl . She was no more than 10 . She was dressed in a beautiful summer floral dress. She had beautiful pink ballet flats . On the head the girl was a cute pink hat . Hand was a bracelet of red beads . Her hair was chestnut brown . They were direct and disbanded . Her face had freckles . She had light blue eyes . She smiled at the sun which shone brightly . The girl was walking down the road . And around it was a lot of buildings .
Yerzhan maxim. Maxim Yerzhan. Auf. Loch. Not you. And I. Epte.