Nowadays there are a lot of programs influencing on people’s outlook, behavior and opinions on TV. A lot of people watch reality shows. Reality television is a genre of television programming that present dramatic or humorous situations and features ordinary people instead of professional actors. For example, one of the most popular reality shows in Russia is «Dom 2». Married couples build a house that is in final draft played out among them by audience voting. It was led by many famous people. Undoubtedly, reality shows have both advantages and disadvantages.
On one hand, there are some positive aspects to reality shows. To begin with, they show usmany life situations. We are a part of show. It teaches us not to do silly and thoughtless actions. As a result, we can obtain some life experience. In addition, it helps to relax after a hard day.
But on other hand, reality shows have disadvantages. Firstly, there is a lot of violence in these programs. Secondly, most viewers are teenagers. They have unformed tastes, character and beliefs. These shows influence on their psyche. Finally, psychologists attribute the popularity of these shows with the desire for peeping at someone else’s life, which is satisfied by such programs. Of course, there are other factors defining popularity of any scandal programs: curiosity and a desire of strong feelings.
For this reason, I am against reality shows. I don’t think it’s the best way to spend time. Reading books or communication with friends is a better way to
Требования к перевозке холодного оружия в багаже самолета
Обычно при соблюдении требований по перевозке ножей, а также других режущих и колющих предметов, проблем и трудностей с провозом холодного оружия не возникает. Когда человек собирается в рейс, то в списке полезных вещей, взятых с собою, может стать нож, маникюрные принадлежности или станок для бритья. Из-за того, что правила перевоза подобных вещей строгие, большая часть авиакомпаний, отвечая на вопрос, можно ли провозить нож в багаже самолета, дает отрицательный ответ. Но это касается только тех случаев, когда предмет несет угрозу причинения вреда жизни и здоровью пассажиров.
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