Спорт этото без чего нельзя обойтись в нынешней жизни. Планета развивается и создаются новые технологии. Люди все меньше и меньше двигаются. От этого начинаются различного рода болезни. Люди пользуются машинами вместо того чтобы пройти пару километров пешком. Но это ведь сохраняет здоровье. Каждый человек должен понимать что если он сам не будет следить за собой и своим здоровьем то никто этого не сделает. Давайте сохраним здоровье.
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A person's life is pretty short and shouldn't be wasted on useless things like alcohol or drugs. Everyone can take care of their health, and this concern consists not only in healthy eating, but also in playing sports.
There are many sports that will keep an adult in shape and a child to develop and shape an athletic physique. It all starts from childhood, the love of sports should appear precisely in these years. When a teenager is passionate about sports, it is much less likely that he will fall under the bad influence of the street. Doing any sport, besides being in good physical shape, also fosters discipline. For example, having given a child to go in for sports, it will immediately become noticeable that he acquires a certain discipline and is always ready to answer for his actions and deeds.
Sport can change the life of adolescents, as well as adults, but it is more logical to talk about children, because they are the country's hope and support and I would not want the younger generation to lead an unhealthy lifestyle. First of all, from childhood, parents should push the child to sports, and it is important to understand that playing sports should be enjoyed. After all, the factor that the child is forcibly driven to the sports section will be very bad. You need to understand and understand what the child likes. You should not torture him, for example, with boxing, maybe the child wants to do team sports. And it doesn't matter at all whether a person will like chess or billiards. And this is also good, because the child will not disappear on the street and is unlikely to get into some kind of trouble.
1. cheap. 2. bus, mom would take me. 3. you’ll be late. 4. would have led well, it would have been taken away.