Упражнение 6. Закончите текст глаголами в скобках в действительном или страдательном залоге. Используйте указанные времена.
Paragraph A: present simple Paragraph B: past simple
Paragraph C: present perfect Paragraph D: will future
A A report today … (accuse) leading stories of exploiting workers in China:
‘Workers in factories there … (pay) low wages: the employers … (not / recognize)
union and workers … (often / force) to work seven days a week’.
B the author of the report … (visit) several factories: ‘On one occasion, the owner
… (tell) in advance of our visit. That time, there … (be) 30 workers and they…
(give) regular breaks. When we … (make) a surprise visit the next day, the same
room … (pack) with over 100 workers’.
C A spokesperson for one of the stories said: ‘We … (have) factories in China for
years and are proud of the improvements in working conditions that … (make).
The factories … (always / produce) high-quality goods and customers in Europe …
(benefit) from low prices’.
D The report says: ‘We expect the issue … (rise) in the boardrooms over the next
few weeks, and we … (get) lots of promises. But we need more than this – so we
… (keep up) the pressure. We hope that something … (finally / do)’.
У меня есть фотография сделанная в 1941 году. На ней изображён мой прадед.Прадеда моего зовут Василий . На войну он ушёл молодым. Оставил сына и жену в Ленинграде. Одет он в морской форме и в бескозырке. Во время Великой Отечественной войны он служил на флоте. Увы он погиб на войне. Его жене прислали письмо о том что он был убит. Я думаю мой прадед успел совершить много подвигов за свою службу.
На английском:
Photo chronicle of our people.
I have a photo taken in 1941. It depicts my great-grandfather. My grandfather's name is Vasily. He went to war young. He left his son and wife in Leningrad. He is dressed in a navy uniform and peaked cap. During World War II, he served in the navy. Alas, he died in the war. His wife was sent a letter stating that he was killed. I think my great-grandfather managed to accomplish many feats for his service.