8. Match the characters with their words. 1) Alice
a) Does your watch tell you what year it is?
2) The Hatter
b) Have some juice.
3) The March Hare
c) No room!
4) The Dormouse
d) I didn't know it was your table.
e) Two days wrong!
f) What a funny watch!
g) It was the best butter!
h) At least I mean what I say.
2. Did Romans change everyone to their system of counting time?
3. When did Romans change everyone to their system of counting time?
4. Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar based on a Babylonian model, didn't he?
5. Who used the calendar of astronomer Christopher Clavius to make reforms?
6. Clavius used mathematics and astronomy to calculate the new calendar, didn't he?
7. When was Orthodox Russia forced to adopt the calender changes?
8. How do Russians call the second New Year?
9. New Year's Day on 1st January in Russia is a public holiday, isn't it?
10. Who wrote a comedy drama for the stage called The Old New Year?