My favourite meal is macaroni and cheese. The ingredients are as follows: 1. Box of Elbo Macroni or your favourite pasta; about 3 1/2 cups of finely grated, chedder cheese; 3 eggs; 1 stick of butter; 2 cups of evaporated milk; black pepper to taste; salt to taste; 1/2 cup chopped green peppers; 1/2 cup of chopped onions; 1 chopped bird pepper or a piece of your favourite pepper to taste and paprika.
What you want to do is, in a pot half full of boiling water (with salt to taste) pour a box of Elbo macroni. Let the marconi/pasta cook until soft, being careful to stir occasionally so it doesn't stick. Remove from heat and let drain. Pour the pasta into a bowl. Mix in 3 cups of the grated cheese, and all the other ingrediants except the paprika. In a large, square baking pan (at least 2″ to 2 1/2 inches deep that is able to hold all of the mixture), pour the mixture. Sprinkle the last 1/2 cup of cheese evenly over the mixture. Then, sprinkle the top of the whole mixture with some paprika. Put in a hot oven and bake at 350° f for 1 hour. Remove from the oven. While warm, cut in squares 2″ x 3″ or as desired. Serve while warm.
Eat with your favourite baked (bar-ba-que) meat. Do enjoy.
1 А flat -квартира - people (первые два слова flat и house можно в один кружок взять)
2 A house -дом - people -люди
3 А hole - нора - A fox -лиса
4 A den - берлога - A bear - медведь
5 А cave -пещера -Вats - летучие мыши
6 An ant-hill - муравейник -An ant - муравей
7 A hive - улей - Вееs -пчёлы
8 A spider-net - паучья сеть - a spider - паук
9 A swamp (или a bog)- болото - Frogs - лягушки
10 А nest - гнездо - A bird - птица
11 A river - река - Fish - рыба
А дальше от этих слов потянутся, те, кто живёт в этих жилищах, но это будут существительные; Можно взять и прилагательные
Big - большой (медведь), Small - маленькие (летучие мыши) , Little (муравьишка, паук), Nice - красивые ( птицы), Red - рыжая (лиса), Hardworking - трудолюбивые (пчёлы, люди), Green - зелёные (лягушки),
Swimming - плавающие (рыбки) Clever -умный.Sly - [bnhsq
И по кластеру составляешь предложения: 1)Home is a place where people and animals can live. 2) For people home is a flat or a house.
3) People are hardworking and clever. 4) А fox lives in a hole. Foxes are red. They are sly. (хитрые) 5) A bear lives in a den.They are big animals. 6) Bats are small. They live in caves. 7) Ants are very small. They live in an anthill. 8) и так далее
9) Bees are very hardworking. They live in hives. (хайвз-читается) 10) Spiders make a net (for themselves - для себя) and live there. They are small. 11).Frogs are usually green. They live in bogs (or swamps-свомпс). 12) Birds live in nests.They are beautiful. They can fly and many of them live in the trees. They build their nests there.
13) Fish live in the river. ( or in the lake< in the sea) Fish саn be big and small. They are often very nice. They swim very well.