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Заповніть пропуски приймениками:
1. You can call.. Us...your convenience. 2. Suddenly he joined...our conversation and told us... his experiences... the Antarctic. 3. What conclusion did the committeе arrive ... ? 4. The doctor ordered her to stay...bed. 5 All... us paid attention ...this interesting fact. 6.We live ... a big house all modern conveniences. 7. It is very kind... you to call my attention... this matter. 8. I think I left my pen... home. 9. Did you leave... the Browns "at once"- No, as a matter... fact I stayed... then... dinner. 10. Though he speaks fluent French people often make fun... his accent. Whom will you invite your birthday party?- I’ll invite my grandparents, one must be very attentive... elderly реople. 12. Is he really.. nationality? 13. Can you fetch your brother... kindergarten?
It seems to me that I have a very controversial character and the older I get, the more faces open. But some features remain unchanged. For example, I cannot stand lies and hypocrisy. Seeing that a person is lying, I want to shout, object! Mom says I have a heightened sense of justice - but is that really bad? I myself try to help others and I believe that anyone should help and protect a loved one. I also think that I have a good sense of humor. Friends often tell me that it’s fun with me. I have many friends, so I can say that I am sociable and friendly. Friends help me when I’m sad or when I just want to chat.