earth day should be every day
Nowadays many people don't take care of our nature. Those people think that everything is good in our world and If any big companies cut down a lot of trees to make different furniture it won't cause bad on our nature. But they are wrong. If every company cut down a lot of trees there will be no trees. As we know, tree is the source of oxigen. That's why we should take care of our nature. But this isn't the only problem. Many companies pollute the rivers or lakes. They throw their waste into the water and then thousands of fish die. And If anyone will drink this water he will be poisined by it.
Why I have started with the Earth day? Because this day eaery person is reminded about what should we do to take care of our nature. People mustn't forgen about it. That's why I want Earth day to be every day.
Вот так.
I'm worried about the sales of the range of fragrances we launched two years ago. In the fist year, sales increased steadily. However, since the beginning of this year, sales have fallen by almost 10%. The reason for this is clear. Several films in SE Asia copy our designs and are now flooding the French market with them. This has become a serious problem. Last month, I organised a team of investigators. Up to now, they have found many counterfeit goods, which the police seized and impounded. Yesterday, I contacted several firms who informed me that they have had similar problems. They all have lost sales because of counterfeiting.