Once upon a time, little boy, that was at the age of five decided to be a captain of a ship. His name was Bob. He had got a friend, that was also five. Bob called him Rex, though his name was Tom. So, Bob told to Rex his plans, and they decided to go to sea next morning. They found a boat near the seaside. Rex promised to take a lot of food and Bob said, that he would take some clothes with him. After all the preparations on next morning the boys sat in the boat and swam on it to the sea. The weather was clear and sunny. Two boys were swimming in such way for two days. They couldn't sea the land, because they were very far from it. On the second day Rex began cry, as he wanted to go home. "Ok!", - said Bob. "Tomorrow we will swim to the land". But at knight the weather became cloudly, there was no sun on the sky and it began raining. The children were very funky. The waves washed away their food and clothes. Boys understood, that if any ship wouldn't find them, they will die. All next day they didn't sea any ships. The children were very hungry and wanted home. Even in the evening, they saw little spot on the horizon. It was a ship. The ship took boys on the board. The boys slept at ones. On the next morning, they told to the captain their story. The captain promised them, that in two hours they would be at home. And he let Bob to be a captain for these two hours. Bob's dream came in life to be a captain. The children thanked the captain for theirs escape very much. They went home and told everything to theirs parents, that couldn't believe them at once. Than the parents said to their children "What a miraculous escape!"
In kindergarten, I had very good, kind pupils, and from the 1st grade, my first teacher, Chetvergova Lyudmila Vitalievna, the most intelligent, responsible and patient, was next to me. She taught me a lot. I am grateful to her for the fact that not only excellent knowledge was given to me, but also the ability to be an attentive, responsive person. Therefore, I try not only to work well myself, but also help those who find it difficult in their studies.
I really love books. Thanks to my parents and
brother, I learned to read when I was 3 years old. One of my favorites in the school library was books about pioneer heroes. They taught me not to be afraid of difficulties, to be brave, decisive, to find a way out in difficult situations, not to leave my comrades in trouble. I love animals very much, so books about them are also some of my favorites. They teach to be caring, responsible, kind, attentive. I take care not only of my Pets, which I have a lot: Guinea pig Manyunya, Rochelle cat, two cats - Marsik and Krosh, Bublik dog, but also feed the birds in winter.
I try to take part in all school activities. I am the winner of some of them. I am also a participant and winner of international and all-Russian Olympiads.
Probably, every person from childhood thinks about
about who he will become in the future. I'm not an exception. I also dream of who I will grow up to be. At first I wanted to become a teacher like MY mom. But over time, I realized that I was attracted to the profession of a designer, and I became interested in it.
Yes, they have/No they haven’t
2. Has your best friend ever broken a leg?
Yes, he/she has/No he/she hasn’t
3. Has your teacher ever sang in class?
Yes, he/she has/No, he/she hasn’t
4. Have you ever met a famous actor?
Yes, I have/No, I haven’t
5. Have your friends ever been on a roller coaster?
Yes, they have/No, they haven’t
Task 2
2. Ayajan hasn’t moved in his house yet.
3. I haven’t read any science-fiction books.
4. The plane hasn’t arrived
5. He hasn’t finished his homework
Task 3:
2. He hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday afternoon.
3. I haven’t visited my grandparents in months.
4. They haven’t heard from Daniar since last summer.
5. Ainash hasn’t had a holiday for two years.
Task 4:
1. yet
2. just
3. already
4. ever
5. for
6. just
7. since
8. since
9. yet
10. for
11. never
12. ever