проверяйте внимательно, скорее всего в том тексте, что Вы прислали, есть опечатки. я постарался угадать верные слова, но проверьте всё ещё раз в своём бланке.
задание 1.
1) I attend yoga classes in order to get in shape.
2) You should exercise more in order to keep fit.
3) ✔️
4) I have looked everywhere to find the right gym for me.
5) Doctor advises to get regular exercise in order not to put on weight.
6) You should eat a lot in order not to get colds all the time.
задание 2.
2) Jill is careful so as not to gain weight.
3) Many people try yoga in order to get rid of stress.
4) Many people try natural medicines in order to get over all illness.
5) I'm going to the gym in order to start a new exercise routine.
6) Lots of people join health clubs so as to keep fit.
2 It has three floors. В ней 3 этажа. The classrooms are large and light. Классы большие и светлые
3 In my school there are more than 700 (seven hundred) pupils. В моей школе учатся более 700 учеников.
4 I'm in the 6th form. Я в 6 классе . (Можно: I'm in the sixth year. )
5 In my class there are 26 pupils . В моём классе 26 учеников .
6 My favourite subjects are English and Maths Мои любимые предметы английский язык и математика.
7 There is a good gym, computer classes, a library and a canteen in our school. В нашей школе хороший спортзал, компьютерные классы, библиотека и столовая.