1. We can't understand each over. 2. I dropped this mirror. 3. I think that you should give up smoking. 4. I used to visit my sister twice a week. 5. Put your hands up, please. 6. One of us have stolen her heart. 7. Into what sea does this lake fall? 9. Oh, i can't see you, i have a terrible pain in my eye. 10. I'll buy you a glass of milk. 11. You have to be more polite. 12. The day was wonderful!
1)В деревне горел дом,пожарные начали его тушить-In wood horel home, started to appear pazharnыe ego stew 2)На даче мы жарили на гриле шашлык-At the cottage zharyly We grilled shashlыk 3)Я маме жарить картофель-I pomohal mame fry potatoes 4)Мы с бабушкой любим готовить на пару пищу-We babushkoy beloved village prepares for a couple pyschu 5)Мама учила меня варить суп-My mother taught me cooking soup 6)Я очень люблю запекать рыбу-I love Very zapekat rыbu 7)Я люблю лежать у бабушки в деревни на печи-I like to lie in Babushka Charcoal on pechy
For me, mathematics is the most fascinating and important subject. An infinite set of figures obeys mathematical laws. If you know them, you can find a solution to almost any problem. The exact science of mathematics teaches us to think, count, think logically. It has great significance in the ordinary life of people. Without the ability to calculate the amount, subtract the desired percentage from the number, calculate the area, calculate the travel time, multiply and divide, it is difficult to live in a modern society. Mathematics is necessary for everyone, therefore it needs to be taught. The more you go deeper into this subject, the more he likes. Mathematics is not for nothing called the queen of sciences. Based on its laws, many other disciplines are being built: algebra, geometry, physics, astronomy, economics. Elements of mathematics exist in virtually all professions. Without her knowledge, it is impossible to work either as a builder, as an engineer, or as a programmer.
2. I dropped this mirror.
3. I think that you should give up smoking.
4. I used to visit my sister twice a week.
5. Put your hands up, please.
6. One of us have stolen her heart.
7. Into what sea does this lake fall?
9. Oh, i can't see you, i have a terrible pain in my eye.
10. I'll buy you a glass of milk.
11. You have to be more polite.
12. The day was wonderful!