1. Материя постоянно претерпевает изменения.
2. формы материи могут изменяться, но сама материя не разрушается и не создается.
3. Закон всемирного тяготения Ньютона применим к материи вообще.
4. На самом деле Роберт Браун наблюдал движение мелких твердых частиц в жидкости совершенно неожиданно.
5. Решение этой проблемы-вопрос времени.
6. многочисленные эксперименты показали, что состав каждого химического соединения постоянен независимо от того, как, где и из чего оно было приготовлено.
7. результаты их экспериментов были упомянуты на конференции.
8. материя занимает пространство и обладает массой.
to go – went (идти – ушёл)
to work – worked (работать – работал)
to come – came (приходить – пришёл)
to rain - rained (идёт дождь – шёл дождь)
to know – knew (знать – знал)
to breath – breathed (дышать – дышал)
to live – lived (жить – жил)
to speak – spoke (говорить – говорил)
He answered this letter last month
Подлежащее – answered, простое время (Past Simple)
Вопросительное: Did he answer this letter last month?
Отрицательное: He didn't answer this letter last month
The day was fine yesterday
Подлежащее – was, простое время (Past Simple)
Вопросительное: Was the day fine yesterday?
Отрицательное: The day wasn't fine yesterday
He always writes with a red pen
Подлежащее – writes, простое настоящее время (Present Simple)
Вопросительное: Does he always write with a red pan?
Отрицательное: He doesn't always write with a red pen
She will come in time
Подлежащее – will come, простое будущее время (Future Simple)
Вопросительное: Will she come in time?
Отрицательное: She won't come in time
He always asks many questions
He was here yesterday
When will you come home tomorrow?
Plants grow everywhere
There are many plants in the world
Men get much food from plants
There are few flowers in deserts in summer
Will you tell me a little about this tree?
She met her friend and asked him to help her
When I met my friend he asked me about my Institute
Farmers begin to plow soil in spring
Farmers – Who begins to plow soil in spring?
Begin to plow – What do farmers do in spring?
Soil – What do farmers begin to plow in spring?
In spring – When do farmers begin to plow soil?
In winter, the weather is very cold in our region
In winter – When is the weather very cold in our region?
The weather – What is very cold in our region in winter?
Very cold – How is the weather in our region in winter?
In our region – Where is the weather very cold in winter?
2) i’m cooking tonight
3) Is he seeing the doctor tomorrow?
4) are you eating chocolate?
5) what are you doing?
6) are we making a mistake?
7) you are coming tomorrow
8) it’s snow
9) John is sleeping at the moment
10) he aren’t dancing
11) how are they getting here?
12) when is it starting?
13) i’m not speaking Chinese at the moment
14) Is Jill drinking tea now?
15) is he paying the bill at the moment?
16) i’m staying with a friend for the weekend
17) when is John arriving?
18) are they coming to the party?
19) we aren’t studying
20) am i being silly?