7 Picture 2: What is the man doing? Picture 3: What does the tiger want? Picture 4: How is the man feeling? Picture 5: Where does the man tie the tiger? Picture 6: What do the man and his son bring? Picture 7: Who sets the straw on fire? Picture 8: What colour are the tiger's stripes? Picture 9: Do tigers trust people?
1. They haven't done anything. Have they done anything? 2. He hasn't given them any money. Has he given them any money? 3. You haven't brought anything for us. Have you brought anything for us? 4. I haven't taken any English books from you. Have I taken any English books from you? 5. She wasn't reading anything. Was she reading anything? 6. He hasn't written a letter to anybody. Has he written a letter to anybody? 7. Nobody by the name of Petrov lives on the third floor. Does anybody by the name of Petrov live on the third floor? 8. They don't have any English books. Do they have any English books? 9. There aren't any tall trees in front of their house. Are there any tall trees in front of their house? 10. Peter doesn't have anything in his box. Does Peter have anything in his box? 11. There aren't any parks in his town. Are there any parks in his town? 12. There aren't any good bookshops in our district. Are there any good bookshops in our district?
Мою собаку зовут Фаня. Она вся черная за исключением белых лап. Фаня ещё щенок, ей всего четыре месяца. Моя собака очень умная. Она понимает все команды, которым я её учу. На улице она бегает сломя голову. На прохожих Фаня почти не обращает внимания, но однажды она побежала за велосипедистом. Хорошо, что потом она остановилась я начала меня искать. Я позвала её и Фаня побежала ко мне так быстро, что казалось её никто не мог догнать. Помню, как тогда она скулила от радости, что нашла меня. После этого случая Фаня больше не отбегала от меня далеко. К сожалению, она пока что плохо общается с другими собаками, но потом она будет лучше воспринимать их. Недавно Фаня встретила на улице большую, взрослую собаку. Она была похожа на немецкую овчарку, но та собака была крупнее. Фаня и незнакомая мне собака, которую оказывается как я узнала позже, зовут Вера, побегали друг за другом. Сначала я волновалась и думала, что Вера обидит Фаню, но оказалось, что они даже подружились. С тех пор я часто вижу как с Верой выходят гулять. И почти всегда во время прогулки Фаня и Вера играются. Моя собака так же любит играть в перетягивание каната, искание предметов или в догонялки.
2. He hasn't given them any money. Has he given them any money?
3. You haven't brought anything for us. Have you brought anything for us?
4. I haven't taken any English books from you. Have I taken any English books from you?
5. She wasn't reading anything. Was she reading anything?
6. He hasn't written a letter to anybody. Has he written a letter to anybody?
7. Nobody by the name of Petrov lives on the third floor. Does anybody by the name of Petrov live on the third floor?
8. They don't have any English books. Do they have any English books?
9. There aren't any tall trees in front of their house. Are there any tall trees in front of their house?
10. Peter doesn't have anything in his box. Does Peter have anything in his box?
11. There aren't any parks in his town. Are there any parks in his town?
12. There aren't any good bookshops in our district. Are there any good bookshops in our district?