1)the black troustrs are bigger than the jeans.
2)this raincoat is smaller than the red coat.
3)bill||*s suit is the best.
4)l think these boots are the oldest
5)my scarf islonger than your scarf.
1 bath toys- игрушки для ванны
2 brush- расчестка
3 comb- гребень
4 cotton balls
5 curling iron-плойка
6 dental floss- зубная нить
7 electronic razor- эл. бритва
8 first aid kit- аптечка
9 hair dryer- фен
10 Q-tip
11 mouth wash- опласкиватель для рта
13 razor- бритва
14 scale- весы
15 lotion- лосьен
16 shampoo- шампунь
17 shower- душ
18 sink- раковина
19 soap-мыло
20 tissue- бумажные плоточки
21 toilet-туалет
22 toilet paper- туалетная бумага
23 tooth brush- зубная щетка
24 tooth paste- зубная паста
25 towel- банное полотенце
My little brother still playing with bath toys while I wash him
Where is toilet paper?
I clean my teeth with toothbrush.
I need to buy soap, shampoo and lotion.
I brush my hair with comb.
2. is smaller
3. is the best
4. the oldest
5. is longer