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28.05.2023 18:25 •  Английский язык

Определите Причастие I и его функцию 1. The students studying the fibres under the microscope are from our group.
2. They are studying the physical structure of natural fibres.
3. Studying these fibres with such an old microscope is not a simple task.
4. They are taking notes of what they see and later they will use these notes
while preparing for the exam.
5. Those preparing the microscope for action are assistant professors.
6. They help our professor in carrying out the tests.
7. They are testing the accuracy of the measurements.

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The United Kingdom or The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the island state in the Western Europe. The capital of Great Britain is London. It`s the cultural center of the country. There is an International London Heathrow Airport, a famous Tower Bridge over the river Thames, a Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery of Art and many other beautiful places to visit. London is situated on the British islands and it is settled down on a zero meridian which is also called Greenwich. The English sometimes callLondon The Big Smoke or The Great Smoke. The are about 60 million people living in Great Britain. Most of them are English, Scottish and Irish. They also have many traditions,like wearing kilts in Scotland and cooking special food for festivals. They celebrate many events in different ways. But all the members of the family take part in it. People in Great Britain are kind and polite. Many famous people was born and lived in Great Britain. William Shakespeare is one of them. He wrote many plays like "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet", "Macbeth" and others. Most of them are tragedies. Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. He lived in Stratford - on - Avon with his wife Anne Hathaway and his children. The best writer of his time was as good actor as a writer. He appeared in his own plays at the Globe Theatre and other London theatres. The red rose was the emblem of Lancastrians, the white rose that of the Yorkists, the two Houses fighting for the English throne in the War of Roses. But their struggle ended by marriage of Henry VII, the Lancastrian with Princess Elizabeth, the Yorkist. The red rose has since become the emblem of England. The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland. It happened in very old times when Norsemen wanted to settle in this country. They came close to the Scots’ camps in the night and wanted to kill them in their sleep. That’s why they took off their shoes so as to make no noise. But one of the Norsemen stepped on a thistle and screamed. The Scots woke up and put the enemy to flight. The leek is the emblem of Wales. Welshmen all over the world celebrate their national holiday St David’s Day by wearing leeks. They do it because they believe St David have lived for several years on bread and wild leeks. Irishmen wear their national emblem on St Patrick’s Day. It’s a small white clover with three leaves on the stem. It is called a shamrock. I know Great Britain is by the right considered The state of the future and I would like to go to London and see the most beautiful sights in the capital of this country. I hope my wish will come true.
4,5(8 оценок)

I hate action films because of cruelty and violence. I feel sad when the people on the screen hit each other. Violence is not my cup of tea. I think that books and films can teach us to be kind and compassionate. I want everybody to live in peace and harmony. It seems to me films you watch may tell everybody about you and your feelings. 

My favourite film is "White Bim Black Ear" by  Gabriel Topolsky that teaches us kindness and mercy, faithfulness and loyalty. A big city. One single man and a faithful dog live in the same apartment. They are very attached to each other. But the sick owner of the dog was taken to hospital. He manages to say to Bim only one word "Wait!" And the dog understands him and he is waiting for his friend.
Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of evil and unpleasant people, and Bim has to meet them in the image of the woman who hates dogs, the angry and cruel collector of dogs' collars, the hunter from a small village.. 
But fortunately, there are much more kind and responsive people in this world, and they help the poor dog. They take an active part in the fates of  Bim and its owner. The story teaches us to be faithful friends, it shows us that hatred and betrayal  are the lowest traits. 
The little boy, faced with cruelty adults, rebels against them, he told the most important words calling us to goodness and mercy, compassion and empathy.  

I like these films.

Я ненавижу боевики из-за жестокости и насилия. Мне грустно, когда люди на экране бьют друг друга. Насилие-это не моё. Я думаю, что книги и фильмы должны учить нас быть добрыми и милосеродными. Я хочу, чтобы все жили в мире и согласии. 
Мне кажется, фильмы, которые вы смотрите, могут рассказать все о вас и вашем вкусе. 
Мой любимый фильм "Белый Бим Черное ухо" по повести Гавриила Топольского, который учит нас доброте и милосердию, преданности и верности.
Большой город. Мужчина и верный пес живут в той же квартире. Они очень привязаны друг к другу. Но больной хозяин собаки был отпавлен в больницу. Он успевает сказать Биму только одно слово: "Ждать!" И собака понимает его и  ждет своего друга.К сожалению, есть немало злых и неприятных людей, и Биму пришлось встретиться с ними: с женщиной, которая ненавидит собак, злым и жестоким коллекционером собачьих ошейников, охотник из маленькой деревни.. Но, к счастью, есть гораздо более добрые и отзывчивые люди в этом мире, и они бедной собаке. Они принимают активное участие в судьбах Бима и его хозяина. История учит нас быть верными друзьями, показывает нам, что ненависть и предательство - самые низкие черты характера. Маленький мальчик, столкнувшись с жестокостью взрослых, восстает против несправедливости и говорит самые важные слова, призывающие нас к добру и милосердию, сочувствию и сопереживанию.
Такие фильмы я люблю.

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