1 Usually i have my lunch at home. 2 this is usually a sandwich with eggs and tea. 3 Because all are busy with their chores. 4 Usually i cover our table to help my mother.5 5 Usually my Sunday dinner cosists two courses, that the first hot dish and second desert. 6 I like mushroom soup. 7 yesterday I had delicious desert . 8 Because i have been the case 9 In order to not disturb the stomach at night 10 yes it is 11 usually at 6.30 or 7.30 12 I like light meal and fruits and yogurts. 13 i have light supper 14 Usually I read a book or watch TV 15 Because usually I have home work.
I am -I'm - I'm not She is - she's . she's not . she isn't he is he's he's not he isn't we are we're we're not we aren't you are you're you're not you aren't they are they're they're not they aren't
Present Simple ( do , does) I you we they do not don't she he it does not doesn't
Past Present. ( did используем только в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.)
I she he it they you we did did not didn't
Present Perfect что то меня занесло во 2 классе Перфект не проходят
I like the job of doctor. Because this job is intresting.