Test on the theme: Air pollution 1. What can you do to reduce air pollution?
A) Take more transport that is public
B) Use low sulphur content fuel
C) Recycling
D) All of the above
2 What is an example of natural air pollution?
A)Acid rain
B)Vehicle emission of harmful gases
C)Volcanic eruption
D)Burning fuels
3 What are the two main causes of air pollution?
A)Man made and Natural
B)Natural resources and waste disposal
C)Natural and waste
D)Man made and natural resources
4. List two pollutants, which result in man, made air pollution.
A) Nitrogen and carbon dioxide
B) Carbon monoxides and nitrogen
C) Oxygen and carbon dioxide
D) Carbon monoxides and nitrogen oxide
5. What are the causes of man-made air pollution and natural air pollution respectively?
A) Waste incinerators and forest fires
B) Swimming and wind erosion
C) Cycling and forest fires
D) Hurricanes and power plant emissions
6. List three effects of air pollution on human health.
A)Insomnia, Rhinitis and cardiac
B)Asthma, Rhinitis and high blood pressure
C)Pulmonary, cardiac and vascular
D)Diabetics, Rhinitis and heart attack
7 .List three effects of air pollution that harms the environment.
A) Destroy Eco system, acid rain destroy the habitats and climate changes
B) Corrode buildings, affect photosynthesis and cause poor visibility
C) Destroy plants, destroy Eco system and cause soil erosion
D) Cause climate changes, cause natural disasters and the air destroy habitats
8. What are the causes of air pollution in London?
A) People are burning more coal and an anticyclone blew all the smog
B) Factories emit smoke and vehicles producing more carbon monoxide
C) Population increase and number of vehicles increase
D) City's rapid development and people are burning more coal
9. What contributed to acid rain in Japan?
A) Deforestation and emission of pollutants by vehicles
B) Coal burning and emission of harmful chemical by factories
C Waste dumping and coal burning
D) Deforestation and waste dumping
10. How can Air Pollution harm the ENVIRONMENT?
A) Climate Change
B) Ozone layer gets improve
C) Ecosystem remains unchanged
D) Habitats get stronger
11. What measurements does the government in London take to prevent smog?
A) Eliminated lead from gasoline and improve fuel quality
B) Improving fuel quality and enforcing emission standard for vehicles
C) Government decreed that emission of black smoke is illegal and residents and factories operators had to switch to smokeless fuels
D)Improve fuel quality and factories operators had to switch to smokeless fuels
12. Burning of ….also contributes to the problem.
A) garbage
B) forest
C) plastics
D) paper
13.Air density, like….
A)air volume
B) air mass
C) air flow
D) air pressure
14. Answer the question: What is the molar mass of dry air?
15. Answer the question: What is the lowest part of the atmosphere?
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