Ні, I went to a concert last week. I like and whenever I get a chance l attend а concert. like took place last week. It was a jazz concert played by university students. I was amazed how talented these guys were. went there with my best friend Arina, who is also found of jazz. The tickets were cheap, so we could afford them. The concert lasted for a bit more than hour. The hall was full of the audience. There were six реople in the band. Once again, I understood that hearing and seeing alive concert is much better than listening to music on CD. best wishes,
My favorite cartoon is a lady bug and a super cat. And I watch them in the evenings. Also when I watch it I eat popcorn or drink juice. The characters of this cartoon are very funny. And the plot is simple. There is the main character, the main character and their friends. In this cartoon, the main characters want to defeat the villain. I hope they can.
Мои любимый мультик это леди баг и супер кот.И я смотрю их по вечерам.Так же когда я смотрю его я ем попкорн или же пью сок.Персонажи этого мульта очень веселые.И сюжет простой.Там есть главный герой ,главная героиня и их друзья.В этом мульте главные герои хотят победить злодея.Я надеюсь они смогут
I can work
he can teach
she can dance
they can sing
he can ski
she can skate
they can drive
you can swim
we can run