I wish I was famous and rich. Maybe someday I will become rich and famous, but I will not be greedy, I will help people in need of help. wealth and fame are not such a good thing, because then people will love you because of the money. and you will not know who is a friend and who is an enemy because we do not know what is stored in a person's soul. I like to be myself than a fictional rich man. the main thing is to remain human whoever you are in life.
хотел бы я быть известным и богатым. можкт быт когда-то я стану богатым и знаменитым, но я не буду жадным я буду людям нуждающимся в . богатство и известность не такая уж хорошаЯ вещь, ведь люди будут любить тебя из-за денег. и ты не будешь знать кто друг а кто враг ведь мы не знаем что храниться у человека в душе. мна нравиться оставаться самим собой чем выдуманным богачем. оставаться главным человеком кем бы ты ни был в жизни.
1) We went to the museum. It was very beautiful on the walls there were fun cortines of famous artists behind glass rare things and fakes made of clay there was a skeleton of a mammoth denosaurus I liked the cave with ancient people of course made of clay more, but everything was so rheolistic for now2) my family and I came home changed clothes, ate the food was very tasty after the meal, we went to watch a movie to swim and sleep3) the last time I walked yesterday, I was wearing a jacket, a jacket, a foodball cap, sneakers, socks, socks and a hat
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