1. Mary said that she saw "Manchester United" a week ago in their town
2. Mark said that he can't believe it
3. The teacher say to children to not speak so loudly
4. Alice said that she think that I like reading horror books
5. My mum said to me to be careful because the water is cold
6. He asked how did I get here tonight
7. John said that he'll be in a minute and I should make myself at home
8. She asked what am I doing now
9. Tom asked has my sister found a job
10. The doctor told to give up fast food
In my country, I want to have a lot of sweets, a lot of bright things, everything is bright and cheerful! I want every person in my country to like everything and be a positive person. But I will not forget about the law either! The person will be punished, but only the investigation will be thorough, there will be the best prosecutors and lawyers. In my country, the stores will only have bright, trendy, beautiful things, shoes and accessories. I want the best, skilled chefs in my country.
В моей стране я хочу, чтоб было много сладостей, много яркий вещей, всё яркое и весёлое! Хочу, чтоб каждому человеку в моей стране всё нравилось и он был позитивным человеком. Но и о законе я не буду забывать! Человек будет наказан, но только расследование будут тщательные, будут самые лучшие прокуроры и адвокаты. В моей стране, в магазинах будут только яркие, трендовые, красивые вещи, обувь и аксессуары. Хочу, чтоб в моей стране были самые лучшие, искусстные повара.