ответ:Health is the main value in every person’s life. It is important to take good care of it and to avoid bad habits, such as alcohol misuse, drug abuse, smoking, etc. One of the most harmful effects on our body is caused by drinking alcohol. Some people think that it is just a pleasant pastime. The truth is that alcohol influences most important parts of our organism including the heart, liver, stomach and other vital organs. Another problem, which is brought by alcohol, is the loss of common sense. Lots of crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol. It’s not so dangerous when taken in moderate amounts but drinking lots of alcohol damages the brain. As a result, people stop thinking clearly and start doing uncontrollable things. It includes suicides, homicides, recreational accidents, car crashes. They say that moderate alcohol use for most adults is not harmful. Sometimes having one or two glasses of red wine per day can be even useful and healing. Moreover, vodka and spirit are used in medical purposes. However, when people start drinking more alcohol than their body needs, they become gradually addicted to it. As a result, they turn into alcoholics. A large number of people in our country and in the world are seriously dependent on alcohol. This dependence leads to many unwanted effects and serious illnesses. Heavy drinking increases the risk of certain types of cancers, liver cirrhosis, immune system problems. I really think that people should lead healthier lifestyles.
Объяснение: вот
ответ:В мае наша страна будет отмечать 75-летие начала Великой Отечественной войны.
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