Моё любимое хобби это играть в футбол.Мне очень нравится эта игра.Для меня она увлекательная и поистине забавная!То чувство когда рядом с воротами противника и вот-вот забьёшь! В общем игра очень интересная и крутая.Я вам тоже советую один раз в неё поиграть и я вам гарантирую вы получите от неё огромное удовольствие!
My favorite hobby is to play football.I really like this game.For me it is exciting and really fun!That feeling when near the gates of the enemy and is about to score! In General the game is very interesting and cool.I will also suggest once to play it and I guarantee you that you will receive from it huge pleasure!
1) 1c, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6c, 7b, 8b, 9a, 10a, 11b, 12b, 13c, 14a, 15b
2) will she go to the swimming-pool tomorrow?
who will go to the swimming-pool tomorrow?
will she go to the swimming-pool or to the garden tomorrow?
she will go to the swimming-pool tomorrow, will not she?
3) 1.i don’t like cheese
2.she can doing yoga.
3.there are some cinemas and swimming-pools in our city.
4. do you have two magazines?
5. airplane is more comfortable than a train.
6. dad’s car is fast.
7. it’s warm. it’s summer. it isn’t foggy.
8. there’s my school behind a theatre.
9. we can’t playing hockey.
10. is a supermarket in your town?