Я бы хотела посетить рестораны в городе. Я бы посмотрела достопримечательности. Я бы познакомилась бы с новыми людьми. Я бы купила сувениры. Я бы отдыхала в этой стране.
1)Roy says he has never been TO the British Museum. I think we should go there together. 2) Where did you get this dictionary? - I borrowed it FROM my uncle. 3) My friend prefers mathematics OVER/TO language learning. 4) We followed (-) our teacher to the beautiful high building. 5) In summer children should spend more time IN the open air. 6) Juan speaks (-) Spanish, it's his mother tongue. 7) Can you, please, hand my hat OVER? It is too far away from me. 8) The lesson is over. Hand IN your exercise books, please. 9) She took my photo, looked at it and handed it BACK to me. 10) Now I'm going to hand OUT some paper for you to write on.
1)Roy says he has never been TO the British Museum. I think we should go there together. 2) Where did you get this dictionary? - I borrowed it FROM my uncle. 3) My friend prefers mathematics OVER/TO language learning. 4) We followed (-) our teacher to the beautiful high building. 5) In summer children should spend more time IN the open air. 6) Juan speaks (-) Spanish, it's his mother tongue. 7) Can you, please, hand my hat OVER? It is too far away from me. 8) The lesson is over. Hand IN your exercise books, please. 9) She took my photo, looked at it and handed it BACK to me. 10) Now I'm going to hand OUT some paper for you to write on.