How are you? Today my mother and I went to her friend's birthday party and I think I'll become fat after that because we ate so many dishes there! First of all we ate different salads with crabs, vegetables, cheese and boiled sausage. What do you think about salad with cheese, mayonnaise and garlic? I didn't like it. Then I tasted a duck roasted with apples. It was an interesting thing but a bit hardish. Have you ever eaten a duck? And at the end ofcourse we had a chiffon pie and drank tea. So do you like cakes? I do. How often do you eat so much food like me today? How do you feel yourself after that?
Киты и дельфины должны выходить на поверхность моря, чтобы дышать. синий кит может оставаться под водой в течение пятидесяти минут. синий кит - самое большое существо на земле гораздо больше, чем любой из динозавров. большая белая акула - самая опасная акула. она может плавать быстро, имеет острые зубы и сильные челюсти. самые большие акулы восемнадцать метров в длину и весят сорок тонн. рыбак может легко поймать некоторые виды рыб,такие как сельдь, потому что они путешествуют вместе в большом количестве.осьминоги живут в норах под камнями или в затонувших кораблях на дне моря.
Hi, Daniel!
How are you? Today my mother and I went to her friend's birthday party and I think I'll become fat after that because we ate so many dishes there! First of all we ate different salads with crabs, vegetables, cheese and boiled sausage. What do you think about salad with cheese, mayonnaise and garlic? I didn't like it. Then I tasted a duck roasted with apples. It was an interesting thing but a bit hardish. Have you ever eaten a duck? And at the end ofcourse we had a chiffon pie and drank tea. So do you like cakes? I do. How often do you eat so much food like me today? How do you feel yourself after that?
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