The Biography Of Alessandro Volta Date of birth: 18 February 1745 birthplace: Como, Italy date of death: 5 Mar 1827 Place of death: Como, Italy, Alessandro Volta he, Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Gerolamo, Umberto Volta Italian physicist. Alessandro Volta was born February 18, 1745 in Italy in the family of a priest. He was the fourth child in the family, but his mother was the illegitimate wife, so the first year he was raised by a nurse, and then returned to the family and spoke only in 7 years. In 1752 the death of his father and Alessandro had placed in the care of his uncle. Uncle began to teach his nephew Latin, history, math and etiquette. Alessandro eagerly studied all the Sciences and strove to learn as much as possible, and was curious that hardly e cost him his life. In the study of the glitter in the water he had almost drowned.
Читать текст. В парах, решите ли глаголы, выделенные жирным шрифтом, были использованы правильно или нет. Правильные те, которые не правы. Поп-группа "Арена" недавно объявил о планах их нового тура. Группа играет в Манчестере завтра вечером и в Лондоне в пятницу. Они приезжают в Париж в воскресенье и отправится в тур по Европе до конца месяца. Хотя группа не поехать в США, многие европейские концерты будут транслироваться в прямом эфире и фанаты смогли увидеть их на гигантские видеоэкраны. Организаторы строить экраны, так что фанаты в США смогут услышать и увидеть болельщиков в Европе. На самом деле, экранов означает, что будучи на концерте в США будут походить на реальную вещь. Организаторы планируют взимать плату за событий в США, и они намерены установить специальные экраны в 20 концертных залов в течение ближайших нескольких недель. Билеты стоят не так дорого, как для живых концертов.
Date of birth: 18 February 1745 birthplace: Como, Italy date of death: 5 Mar 1827 Place of death: Como, Italy, Alessandro Volta he, Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Gerolamo, Umberto Volta Italian physicist. Alessandro Volta was born February 18, 1745 in Italy in the family of a priest. He was the fourth child in the family, but his mother was the illegitimate wife, so the first year he was raised by a nurse, and then returned to the family and spoke only in 7 years. In 1752 the death of his father and Alessandro had placed in the care of his uncle. Uncle began to teach his nephew Latin, history, math and etiquette. Alessandro eagerly studied all the Sciences and strove to learn as much as possible, and was curious that hardly e cost him his life. In the study of the glitter in the water he had almost drowned.