Task 1. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words (there are four extra words). (10x0,26 = 25) Active words: erase, drop: reduce, spectrum, laser printer, resolution, aspect ratio,
hue; shade; pigment: decorative arts; textiles, reproduced, ruler,
1. The painter mixed two different colors to create a new =...
2. 2. The art student bought a
chart that showed the whole of colors. 3. The artist ran out of red so she used
violet instead. 4. Hold the still so you can draw a straight linc. 5. Higher Icts the
user see more details. 6. The designer found the ... by measuring the edges of the screen
7. The designer used a ... to produce detailed black-and-white photographs. 8. The
designer had to ... several mistakes from the drafl. 9. The designer a version of the
poster for the website. 10. The course in .. prepares students to make unique crafts by
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