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03.02.2020 17:55 •  Английский язык

HOMEWORK for the following class

1) Answer the questions (orally or in writing)

1. Are you fond of doing sports/playing sports games? 2. What sports/sport games do you practice? 3. How long have you been doing it? 4. What does this sport give you ? (Делает сильным, гибким, выносливым; развивает координацию, мышление, воображение; учит работать в команде; даёт энергию оставаться в форме/хорошо выглядеть) 5. Do you train hard/regularly? 6. Do you always follow your coach's pieces of advice? 7.Do you take part in any competitions? 8. Have you won any prizes? 9. Are you going to continue doing this sport when you grow up?

2)* Make up 8 Special Questions using different tenses with the word combinations from your class work (2 in Present Simple, 2 Past S, 2 Present Continuous; 2 Future Simple) to be HANDED IN


1. Yes, I play sports.

2. I practice tennis and basketball.

3. I’ve been playing tennis and basketball since I was a child.

4. Doing these sports helps me to develop my coordination skills and channel excess energy into action. Also, doing sports is a great tool to keep fit.

5. I always train pretty regularly. Exercising regularly helps to keep my body at a healthy weight and lowers the risk of some diseases.

6. I’m trying to follow my coach’s advice to improve my skills and to be sure that I’m following the right direction.

7. I haven’t took part in any competitions yet, but I’m willing to do that in the future.

8. Sadly, I haven’t won any prizes yet, because I do sports for fun. It’s just my hobby.

9. I’m going to continue playing tennis and basketball when I grow up, because I want to keep my body healthy and age well.


Present Simple.

1. The key has to be handed in when you leave the motel.

2. Your composition needs to be handed in until Saturday.

Past simple.

1. Josiah’s notice was handed in two days ago. Mary said that he was fired due to a run-in with the boss.

2. Make sure that all of your assignments were handed in before the deadline.

Present Continuous.

1. Mom, stop the panic! Our teacher said that we’re handing in our essays next week.

2. “I’m done with you, Millie!”, Mrs. Brown said. “You’re always handing in your homework at the very last moment!”.

Future simple.

1. A first draft of my dissertation will be handed in tomorrow.

2. Drew’s watch that he stole from Mr. Baker will be handed in to the police officer next morning. No one saw that coming!

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Peter I was born on 30 May 1672. When Peter was a child several teachers were delegated to teach him. Among Peter’s tutors were Patrick Gordon, Nikita Zotov and Paul Menesius. This process was commissioned by Tsar Alexis I.

In 1676 Tsar Alexis I died. As a result the power was left to Feodor III who was Peter’s elder half-brother. He died in 1682 and there were not his descendants. Consequently there was a conflict for power between the Miloslavsky and Naryshkin families. Other half-brother of Peter, Ivan V, was heir to the throne but his health declined. As a result at the age of ten Peter became Tsar chosen by the Boyar Duma.

Peter was interested in shipping and shipbuilding. He was a tall man and his height was about 200 cm. He did not have square shoulders and his feet and hands were small. Moreover Peter’s head was small for his figure. In accordance with his mother’s desire Peter married. The marriage was in 1689 and Eudoxia Lopukhina became his wife. 10 years later the marriage broke down and Peter’s wife became a nun.

In 1689 the power was in the hands of Peter’s half-sister Sophia. Because of two ineffective Crimean campaigns her authority was undermined and Peter planned to take power. Peter could become an independent ruler only in 1694 when his mother died. Officially there were two rulers: Peter and Ivan V. In 1696 Peter became the absolute ruler when Ivan V died.

On 19 August 1700 Peter declared war on Sweden. The main aim of the war was to acquire control of the Baltic Sea. At that time it was under Swedish Empire control. Denmark-Norway, Saxony and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth supported Peter. In 1721 the Treaty of Nystad ended and the Russian Empire acquired control of the Baltic Sea. This war went down in history as Great Northern War.

In October 1721 Peter was proclaimed Emperor of All Russia. Augustus II of Poland, Frederick William I of Prussia, and Frederick I of Sweden recognized this title. Other monarchs did not agree with it. Some rulers were afraid that Peter would claim authority over them.

Peter imposed new taxes in the Russian Empire. The household tax and the land tax were abrogated. These two taxes were superseded with a poll tax. He also reformed the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 1724 Peter married for a second time to Catherine who was crowned as Empress. However he remained actual ruler of Russia. Peter had 2 wives and 14 children by them. Only 3 of his children survived to adulthood.

In 1723 Peter’s health declined. He had problems with bladder and urinary tract but he was cured. As legend has it in November 1724 while at Lakhta Peter was forced to rescue the soldiers drowning not far from shore.

Consequently his health became worse and these problems caused his death. Peter died on 8 February 1725.
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Оксфорд-стрит (англ. Oxford Street) — лондонская улица, одна из основных улиц Вестминстера. Самая оживлённая торговая улица (548 торговых точек), известна главным образом своими фешенебельными магазинами. Начинается в Вестминстере у Мраморной арки (северо-восточный угол Гайд-парка) и ведёт на восток в сторону Холборна. Раньше была частью Лондон-Оксфорд-роуд, которая брала начало в Ньюгейте. Сегодня часть шоссе A40. Длина улицы составляет 2,4 километра. На улице расположены станции Лондонского Метрополитена "Marble Arch", "Bond Street", "Oxford Circus", "Tottenham Court Road". На каждое рождество улица украшается праздничными огнями. По традиции в ноябре эти огни включаются знаменитостями. В 1968-93 гг. по этой улице курсировал «белковый человек» Стэнли Грин

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