Оксфорд-стрит (англ. Oxford Street) — лондонская улица, одна из основных улиц Вестминстера. Самая оживлённая торговая улица (548 торговых точек), известна главным образом своими фешенебельными магазинами. Начинается в Вестминстере у Мраморной арки (северо-восточный угол Гайд-парка) и ведёт на восток в сторону Холборна. Раньше была частью Лондон-Оксфорд-роуд, которая брала начало в Ньюгейте. Сегодня часть шоссе A40. Длина улицы составляет 2,4 километра. На улице расположены станции Лондонского Метрополитена "Marble Arch", "Bond Street", "Oxford Circus", "Tottenham Court Road". На каждое рождество улица украшается праздничными огнями. По традиции в ноябре эти огни включаются знаменитостями. В 1968-93 гг. по этой улице курсировал «белковый человек» Стэнли Грин
1. Yes, I play sports.
2. I practice tennis and basketball.
3. I’ve been playing tennis and basketball since I was a child.
4. Doing these sports helps me to develop my coordination skills and channel excess energy into action. Also, doing sports is a great tool to keep fit.
5. I always train pretty regularly. Exercising regularly helps to keep my body at a healthy weight and lowers the risk of some diseases.
6. I’m trying to follow my coach’s advice to improve my skills and to be sure that I’m following the right direction.
7. I haven’t took part in any competitions yet, but I’m willing to do that in the future.
8. Sadly, I haven’t won any prizes yet, because I do sports for fun. It’s just my hobby.
9. I’m going to continue playing tennis and basketball when I grow up, because I want to keep my body healthy and age well.
Present Simple.
1. The key has to be handed in when you leave the motel.
2. Your composition needs to be handed in until Saturday.
Past simple.
1. Josiah’s notice was handed in two days ago. Mary said that he was fired due to a run-in with the boss.
2. Make sure that all of your assignments were handed in before the deadline.
Present Continuous.
1. Mom, stop the panic! Our teacher said that we’re handing in our essays next week.
2. “I’m done with you, Millie!”, Mrs. Brown said. “You’re always handing in your homework at the very last moment!”.
Future simple.
1. A first draft of my dissertation will be handed in tomorrow.
2. Drew’s watch that he stole from Mr. Baker will be handed in to the police officer next morning. No one saw that coming!