1 Helen's brother как я знаю
1. up 2. out 3. out 4. off 5. up 6. in 7. out 8. out
1. I get on really well with my older brother.
2. Yesterday I had to stay on to talk to my teacher.
3. The weather’s bad, so our teacher’s put off the football match.
4. Everyone says I take after my father but I think I’m more like my mother.
5. In class yesterday, I had to give out the textbooks to everyone.
6. My sister went through a difficult time when she was ill as a child.
7. The boys in the school team used to pick on me because I was the smallest in the team.
8. We haven’t brought many sandwiches for the picnic, so we’ll just have to fill up on fruit.
1. My mum’s made an arrangement to talk to my teacher tomorrow.
2. I’ve got a lot of preparations to do, to get everything ready for my holiday.
3. I accidentally phoned my brother instead of my mum!
4. The garden was in complete darkness, and I fell over my bike lying on the path.
5. My grandma’s going to the hospital for some treatments on Monday.
6. There was a long family discussion last night about where to go on holiday.
7. Reading a lot of science fiction isn’t necessary a bad thing.
8. My grandfather has an amazing collection of old stamps.
Sonia: Hi Alice: Where are you going now?
Alice: Hi Sonia. Tom just invited me to go round
to his house. Do you want to come with me?
Sonia: Great, thanks! Who else will go?
Alice: I’m not sure. I was studying in the library when I
saw him, so I was too busy to ask him.
Sonia: Do we need to take anything with us?
Alice: No, Tom says his mum has already made some
food for everyone!
Sonia: Great!
1. It’s at least six years as our neighbours came to live next door.
2. I don’t play football now, but I used to play a lot when I was a child.
3. My brother isn’t quite as tall as our dad.
4. I’ve had rather a busy day that I’m really tired now.
5. Barry wasn't able to meet us in town yesterday. He had to stay at home and study.
6. I’ve never been to California, but it sounds fantastic!
7. My cousin Paul, who lives in the next street, plays video games all the time.
8. This laptop is the most expensive thing I’ve ever bought!
6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Who are you waiting for now?
2. I would further study maths this year.
It’s quite difficult!
3. We have just got back from our holiday in the US.
4. I saw John while I was cycling home.
5. We had been living in London for two years before we came here.
6. Don’t take the main road into town today. They are repairing the road.
7. My brother wasn't able to find a job in a bank last year.
8. Sorry, but I won't be able to come to the concert with you tomorrow.
1. Я сделаю свою домашнюю работу завтра. 2. Я буду делать свою домашнюю работу завтра в шесть часов. 3. Я сделаю свою домашнюю работу завтра к шести часам. 4. Завтра я буду делать домашнее задание, как только приду из школы. Я буду делать свою домашнюю работу с трех до шести. Мой отец придет домой завтра в семь часов. Я сделаю все свои домашние задания к тому времени, как он придет, и мы пойдем на прогулку вместе. 5. Когда я завтра приду домой, моя семья будет ужинать. 6. Когда вы завтра придете ко мне, я прочитаю вашу книгу 7. Я сделаю свою домашнюю работу к тому времени, как ты придешь. 8. Не приходи завтра ко мне домой. Я буду писать сочинение целый вечер. 9. Я не пойду завтра в кино. Я буду посмотреть телевизор весь вечер. 10. Что вы будете делать завтра? 11. Что вы будете делать завтра в восемь часов? 12. Вы будете играть в волейбол завтра? 13. Вы сделаете эту работу к следующему воскресенью? 14. Когда ты пойдешь к своему другу в следующий раз? 15. Сколько страниц вы прочтете завтра к пяти часам?
1. YA sdelayu svoyu domashnyuyu rabotu zavtra. 2. YA budu delat' svoyu domashnyuyu rabotu zavtra v shest' chasov. 3. YA sdelayu svoyu domashnyuyu rabotu zavtra k shesti chasam. 4. Zavtra ya budu delat' domashneye zadaniye, kak tol'ko pridu iz shkoly. YA budu delat' svoyu domashnyuyu rabotu s trekh do shesti. Moy otets pridet domoy zavtra v sem' chasov. YA sdelayu vse svoi domashniye zadaniya k tomu vremeni, kak on pridet, i my poydem na progulku vmeste. 5. Kogda ya zavtra pridu domoy, moya sem'ya budet uzhinat'. 6. Kogda vy zavtra pridete ko mne, ya prochitayu vashu knigu 7. YA sdelayu svoyu domashnyuyu rabotu k tomu vremeni, kak ty pridesh'. 8. Ne prikhodi zavtra ko mne domoy. YA budu pisat' sochineniye tselyy vecher. 9. YA ne poydu zavtra v kino. YA budu posmotret' televizor ves' vecher. 10. Chto vy budete delat' zavtra? 11. Chto vy budete delat' zavtra v vosem' chasov? 12. Vy budete igrat' v voleybol zavtra? 13. Vy sdelayete etu rabotu k sleduyushchemu voskresen'yu? 14. Kogda ty poydesh' k svoyemu drugu v sleduyushchiy raz? 15. Skol'ko stranits vy prochtete zavtra k pyati chasam?
Показати більше
1. I will do my homework tomorrow. 2. I will be doing my homework tomorrow at six o’clock. 3. I will do my homework tomorrow at six o’clock. 4. Tomorrow I will do my homework as soon as I come from school. I will do my homework from three to six. My father will come home tomorrow at seven o’clock. I will do all my homework by the time he arrives, and we will go for a walk together. 5. When I get home tomorrow, my family will have dinner. 6. When you come to me tomorrow, I will read your book 7. I will do my homework by the time you arrive. 8. Don’t come to my house tomorrow. I will be writing an essay all evening. 9. I won’t go to the movies tomorrow. I will watch TV all evening. 10. What will you do tomorrow? 11. What will you do tomorrow at eight o’clock? 12. Will you play volleyball tomorrow? 13. Will you do this work next Sunday? 14. When will you go to your friend next time? 15. How many pages will you read tomorrow at five?
1. Helen's brother.