Составьте краткий пересказ данного текста It was a warm, sunny afternoon in Epping. Jamie and his two friends, Mark and Sean, were walking happily in the forest, telling stories of their recent holidays.
Suddenly, while they were enjoying their walk, Mark's foot hit something and he fell over. As he got up, he spotted something sticking out from the ground: the corner of a brown, dusty box. The three curious friends reached excitedly for the box, but it was too deep into the ground, which meant they would have to dig so as to get the box out. However, it was getting dark so they decided to cover the box with leaves and return the next day.
The following afternoon, the boys rushed to the hidden spot in the woods with a small shove. As soon as they got there, they started digging enthusiastically, and after an hour of exhausting effort, the three finally managed to pull the mysterious box out. Mark opened the box carefully, and what they saw in there took their breath away: dozens and dozens of small, gold cons! Later, they took the chest to the police and found out that someone had stolen those coins from the local museum and hidden them in the woods. The museum was offering a three-hundred pound reward to anyone who found them. The three friends were now proud and happy that they had discovered the stolen treasure. But they were also famous, as their story and picture appeared on the front page of local newspaper!
Lake Galichskoye
Lake Kostroma region provide an excellent opportunity to relax fishing enthusiasts, hunters and nature lovers.
Lake Galichskoye one of the best places to holiday with your family. The surrounding landscapes are soothing and beneficial effect on the emotional state of the urban residents, tired of the bustle of city life and the rapid run life. For fans of fishing is simply expanse in the lake is about fifteen species. A lake in the center of Kostroma region, in the north-east of the regional center.
Just perfect for relaxing Lake Chukhloma the second largest lake in the Kostroma region. It is located in the north-east of Kostroma further Galich lake. A curious fact - in the eighteenth century in this lake carp caught for the table of His Imperial Majesty Peter I.
No less beautiful Pahievo lake, although less well-known outside of the Kostroma Region, the lake usual perch, roach, pike.
перевод на русский
Кострома раскинулась по берегам самой величавой реки Европы – Волги, а потому места здесь просто изумительные. Бескрайняя водная гладь великой реки, в окружении могучих лесов смотрится очень живописно. Просторные поля приносят свою долю очарования в местные пейзажи. Туристический бизнес представлен не только гостиницами и отелями в городе, но и множеством кемпингов и загородных клубов. Грибникам и ягодникам тут раздолье, особенно в пору золотой осени.
Галичское озеро
Озера Костромской области предоставляют прекрасную возможность отдыха энтузиастам рыбной ловли, охотникам и просто любителям природы.
Галичское озеро одно из лучших мест для активного отдыха всей семьей. Окрестные пейзажи действуют успокаивающе и благотворно действуют на эмоциональное состояние городского жителя, уставшего от суеты городской жизни и стремительного бега жизни. Для любителей рыбалки здесь просто раздолье, в озере водится около пятнадцати видов рыб. Расположено озеро в центре Костромской области, на северо-восток от областного центра.
Так же прекрасно подходит для отдыха Чухломское озеро второе по величине озеро в Костромской области. Расположено оно на северо-востоке от Костромы еще дальше Галичского озера. Любопытный факт – в восемнадцатом веке именно в этом озере ловили карасей для стола Его Императорского Величия Петра I.
Не менее красиво Пахиево озеро, хотя и менее известное за пределами Костромской области, в озере водится окунь, плотва, щука.