1) What did the boys think about the trouble they were making?
The boys thought that the trouble they were making was exciting and adventurous. They enjoyed the thrill of misbehaving and breaking the rules.
2) When did Tom leave the camp?
Tom left the camp during the night, when everyone was asleep. He wanted to explore and have his own adventures, so he sneaked out of the camp without anyone noticing.
3) What message did Tom leave for Joe?
Tom left a message for Joe, asking him to watch out for any disturbances and not to worry if Tom didn't return to the camp that night. He wanted Joe to cover up for him and act as if everything was normal.
4) How did Tom manage to cross the river?
Tom managed to cross the river by using a small raft that he built himself. He collected some planks of wood and tied them together securely. Then, he used a long stick to push and guide the raft across the river.
5) Whom did Tom see in the sitting room?
Tom saw his Aunt Polly in the sitting room. He had returned home after his adventures, and Aunt Polly was sitting there, unaware of his presence.
6) Where did he hide?
Tom hid behind the sofa in the sitting room. He didn't want Aunt Polly to see him immediately, as he wanted to surprise her and play a prank on her.
7) What did Tom learn from the talk he heard?
From the talk he heard while hiding, Tom learned that his Aunt Polly was worried about him and thought he was missing. He also discovered that Aunt Polly felt guilty for scolding him earlier and regretted her harsh words.
8) What did Tom do after Aunt Polly fell asleep?
After Aunt Polly fell asleep, Tom decided to leave his hiding spot and go back to the camp. He didn't want to stay at home and face the consequences of his misbehavior, so he sneaked out quietly and returned to his friends.
9) When did Tom return to camp?
Tom returned to the camp before dawn. He didn't want anyone to know that he had left during the night, so he made sure to be back before anyone woke up.
10) All the boys were homesick, weren't they?
No, not all the boys were homesick. Although some of them missed their families and the comforts of home, others were enjoying the adventure and freedom of being away from home. Tom, in particular, loved the independence and excitement of being on the island.
11) Who wanted to leave the island?
Joe Harper wanted to leave the island. He became homesick and missed his family, so he started feeling tired of the island and wanted to go back home.
12) How did Tom make his friends stay?
Tom made his friends stay on the island by persuading them to continue their adventures and promising them more excitement and fun. He reminded them of the freedom they had on the island and convinced them that leaving would mean returning to the rules and restrictions of their homes.
Привет из прекрасного и завораживающего места на земле - Мальдивских островов! Здесь я бываю каждый год, потому что это мой самый любимый курортный рай. Острова расположены в Индийском океане и славятся своими белоснежными песчаными пляжами и кристально чистыми водами.
Начну рассказ с того, что я прилетела на Мальдивы специальным самолетом, который сделал посадку прямо на воде! Это было невероятное и удивительное зрелище. Как только вышли из самолета, мне перед глазами открылся панорамный вид на океан и тихие пляжи с уютными бунгало. Чтобы добраться до нашего отеля, мы использовали катамаран - это такое катер-лодка, которое просто плывет по воде. Это было очень увлекательно!
Мы остановились в отеле, который расположен на одном из маленьких островов. Комната была очень уютной и чистой, и из окна открывался потрясающий вид на океан. Также, я видела местных продавцов, которые предлагали нам различные сувениры и морепродукты. Они были очень дружелюбны и улыбчивы.
Одним из самых запоминающихся моментов для меня было заныривание с маской и трубкой чтобы полюбоваться морскими глубинами. Я видела много рыбок разных цветов и размеров, а также красивых коралловых рифов. Вода здесь такая яркая и прозрачная, что можно видеть все в мельчайших деталях.
Но самым впечатляющим для меня был закат солнца на пляже. Я сидела на белом песке, наблюдала, как солнце медленно садится в океан, окрашивая всю небесную гладь в розово-оранжевые оттенки. Звук прибоя и шелест пальм создавали идеальную атмосферу для расслабления и наслаждения таким прекрасным видом.
Я уже не могу дождаться следующего года, чтобы снова отправиться на Мальдивы. Здесь есть все, чтобы провести беззаботное и незабываемое время, и это место навсегда останется в моем сердце.
Передай привет всем домашним, и я скучаю по всем вам.
The boys thought that the trouble they were making was exciting and adventurous. They enjoyed the thrill of misbehaving and breaking the rules.
2) When did Tom leave the camp?
Tom left the camp during the night, when everyone was asleep. He wanted to explore and have his own adventures, so he sneaked out of the camp without anyone noticing.
3) What message did Tom leave for Joe?
Tom left a message for Joe, asking him to watch out for any disturbances and not to worry if Tom didn't return to the camp that night. He wanted Joe to cover up for him and act as if everything was normal.
4) How did Tom manage to cross the river?
Tom managed to cross the river by using a small raft that he built himself. He collected some planks of wood and tied them together securely. Then, he used a long stick to push and guide the raft across the river.
5) Whom did Tom see in the sitting room?
Tom saw his Aunt Polly in the sitting room. He had returned home after his adventures, and Aunt Polly was sitting there, unaware of his presence.
6) Where did he hide?
Tom hid behind the sofa in the sitting room. He didn't want Aunt Polly to see him immediately, as he wanted to surprise her and play a prank on her.
7) What did Tom learn from the talk he heard?
From the talk he heard while hiding, Tom learned that his Aunt Polly was worried about him and thought he was missing. He also discovered that Aunt Polly felt guilty for scolding him earlier and regretted her harsh words.
8) What did Tom do after Aunt Polly fell asleep?
After Aunt Polly fell asleep, Tom decided to leave his hiding spot and go back to the camp. He didn't want to stay at home and face the consequences of his misbehavior, so he sneaked out quietly and returned to his friends.
9) When did Tom return to camp?
Tom returned to the camp before dawn. He didn't want anyone to know that he had left during the night, so he made sure to be back before anyone woke up.
10) All the boys were homesick, weren't they?
No, not all the boys were homesick. Although some of them missed their families and the comforts of home, others were enjoying the adventure and freedom of being away from home. Tom, in particular, loved the independence and excitement of being on the island.
11) Who wanted to leave the island?
Joe Harper wanted to leave the island. He became homesick and missed his family, so he started feeling tired of the island and wanted to go back home.
12) How did Tom make his friends stay?
Tom made his friends stay on the island by persuading them to continue their adventures and promising them more excitement and fun. He reminded them of the freedom they had on the island and convinced them that leaving would mean returning to the rules and restrictions of their homes.